Copywriting Formulas Proven To Boost Conversion Rates

Achieve Higher Rankings with London's SEO Experts

Want to know the two tried and true copywriting formulas guaranteed to boost conversion rates that have been used by the copywriting masters for almost a century?

Copywriting Formulas For Growth

You may have the greatest, most valuable, life-changing product or service in the world, but if you don’t know how to sell it then what good is it? How are you going to convince someone that they need what you’re selling? If I asked you to give me an elevator pitch, to sell me something in about one minute, what would you say? Would you be able to adequately get to my emotions and desires to make me feel as if I want it? Unfortunately, our attention span may not even last one whole minute. Copywriting plays a massive part in your digital marketing, if it isn’t good then you’re wasting your time and going nowhere fast.

There are so many useful and valuable products in the world that are being heavily neglected and scrolled over because the words used in their advertising are weak, boring, and lacks any emotion-grabbing content. They lack the words used to make anyone click on a website, click on the call-to-action, buy-in to the sale, and will always be ignored because there is no interests by the reader. If you don’t have good copywriting then your PPC ads, Facebook ads, social media posts, and other parts of your digital marketing strategy will fail and be wasted money and effort.

Good copywriting will persuade people to click on your ad, website, or social media post and then they’ll be enticed to go to your website. After, they’ll see the mind-blowing copywriting and ads on your site and on your sales page, making them feel as if they need your product or service. If they don’t buy, they’ll at least think about it and might come back later. If they don’t buy at all, it’s fine, because that good copywriting brought more people to your site and thus helping with your SEO and website traffic growth.

So, how do you do that? How do you attract people to click on your website, buy that product, and make them talk about it to others? There are two proven copywriting formulas that have been used by the experts for years and are known guarantee higher conversion rates. Want to know them? Read on.

Problem-Agitate-Solve (PAS) Copywriting Formula for Higher Conversions

Imagine in your head that you’re extremely thirsty. It’s hot outside and all you want is a sip of cold, icy water to cool you down. Without it, you’ll become weaker, move slower, become even more tired. But, what if I told you, if you just click on a link, then a glass of water will come directly to you?

This is the the problem-agitate-solve formula of copywriting, or PAS, for short.

It’s a simply formula that can be easily broken down in it’s three letters. Here is how you use it.

  • Problem
  • Agitate
  • Solve

Let’s look further into how to use the PAS formula.


First, you have to know the problems of your potential leads. The better you understand their problems then the better you’ll know how to solve them. This is critical to writing copy that’ll evoke a direct response. Helping people solve problems, raise their emotions, raises their buying temperature, and puts them in the mental space to convert.

The more vividly you create this problem, the more you show that you understand and that you’re relatable. Now, this suddenly doesn’t make you seem like you’re selling to them, it feels like a conversation. And this creates a massive layer of trust.


After stating the problem, you need to provoke. You need to make it more painful, annoying, bothersome, evoke the emotions of “I need something”. This is where you pour the salt on the wound. But don’t make your reader suffer. Help them and offer support.


Here, you fix the problem. You show them how you can solve the problem and you offer them a call-to-action so that problem can be quickly solved.

The Problem-Agitate-Solution Copywriting formula is a great way to relate to your readers and establish trust. It’s a quick type of copywriting that can be used in many medias but especially in direct-response copywriting, sales pages, and social media.

The AIDA Copywriting Formula For A Massive Increase In Conversion Rates

Next, we have the classic (AIDA) copywriting formula that has been used in some of the most famous advertisements. Like, PAS, it can be broken down by it’s letters. Here it is:

  • Attention
  • Interest
  • Desire
  • Action

This copywriting formula is known as the “grandpa” of copywriting formulas and strategies. It’s easy to use but extremely effective. Let’s break down the formula step-by-step.


First, you need an attention grabbing headline. You need to make the readers stop and do a double-take. It needs to pop in their minds and make them shift their mind to your ad. How do you do that?

You can use:

  • An outstanding image
  • A “how to” headline
  • A statistic
  • Or any other type of eye-catching headline

The main goal of this part is to make the reader want to read the second.


Now that you have their interest, keep it. You must provide the reader with something of value with value and an image that they want to build on. How? You can do this with interesting facts and making the reader use their imagination. Evoke their thoughts and spike their emotions with storytelling and proven facts that they can be experiencing in real life. Make them feel as if their problems can be solved by you. This creates trust and loyalty.


Here is where you showcase your product and its benefits. Paint a picture in their head of what their life can be like with your product or service. Make them feel the relief and the stress-free life that they can experience because what your selling is of incredible value. You can also use testimonials for social proof further pushing the envelope and showing evidence of the value of your product or service.


Now that you have their attention, held their interest and made them desire what you’re selling, you must call them to action. This is where you push your product or service and make them click. How? You can do this in a few ways.

  • A clear call to action. (buy now, click here, etc.)
  • Use urgency (limited time offer, only 10 left, etc.)
  • You bonuses and other types of incentives (buy one get one free, 50% off), etc.)

Bonus Tip For Bigger Conversion Rates – Testimonials

Social proof and having evidence of the value of your product is a major key in selling your product or service. People want what other people want and use. Showing your reader that what you’re selling is being used and works raises even more trust in the potential buyer. Do yourself a favor and throw in a testimonial for good measure. Plus, it’s good for your brand.


These are two proven, tried and true ways of selling any product or service and are guaranteed to raise conversion rates and keep businesses alive. Market research and good copywriting is the heart of any marketing strategy and it’s up to you to increase the level of them. Still curious about ways to increase traffic and boost your conversion rate? Contact ClickDo for a free consultation and let us help you massively sky-rocket your business to a new level of success.

Everyday Writing mistakes that Google Hates – and How You Can Avoid Them

Over and over again we’ve heard that “content is king”, and while this statement is true, the fact still remains that not all content is king. In fact, poorly-written content can be just as detrimental to your website as having no content at all.

Content that doesn’t follow the rules and is unappealing, either due to its format or what it has to say, is to no one’s benefit. You might be thinking its helping you optimize your site for search engines, but in a real sense you are just shooting yourself on the foot. It might serve to fill up your website, but such content will also fail to attract and convert visitors, and could also get on Google’s bad side for not being up to standard.

But what exactly are these writing mistakes that Google frowns on?

Below are some common copywriting mistakes we come across on a regular basis, as well as how you can avoid these mistakes. By avoiding these mistakes and taking advantage of our tips, you stand a far better chance of improving your SEO and consequently the visibility of your site in search engine results.

Unremarkable headers and preheaders, or failing to use headers at all

Headers are your tools for making a good first impression. A creative and eye-catching header is the bait that will attract and keep traffic on your site. It serves to intrigue your readers and fans the flame of their curiosity. But when you fail to use interesting headers, or you don’t even bother to use headers at all, chances are visitors will simply bypass your pages and move on till they find what they are looking for.

Asides from their positive effect on visitors, headers, and preheaders in content are also appreciated by Google, as it uses them as a signal to understand what your pages are about.

It might take a lot of effort to create a truly eye-catching, informative, and enticing header, but the effort is worth it in the long run. To create an effective header, you need to first understand what it is your readers want, what attracts them and proceed to craft your headers to those needs. If your headers are winners, they can prompt visitors to not just visit your pages but also scroll through to the very end.

Unoriginal content

Google hates copycats. If you are simply duplicating content from someone else’s pages to your pages, or even duplicating content from within your website, chances are you’ll eventually be penalized. This is especially true if your copying is word for word. According to SEO specialists, copycat domain names can be just as detrimental to SEO as copycat content. If you want to be a winner on the web, you have to be original.

Unique content that showcases your unique perspective and shares useful, or at least entertaining, information is the first step to winning over the attention of visitors as well as the favor of Google. If your content is original and authoritative, chances are high that Google will give your content priority and, in time, come consider your website as an authority within its field.

Bad grammar and unnecessary jargon

You might think bad grammar is no big deal as long as your reader can understand what you want to say, but that’s a false assumption. To visitors, bad grammar and spelling mistakes make your website reek of unprofessionalism and incompetence, and Google feels exactly the same way. This is especially true if such poorly-written content is put up on a business or other professional type of website.

Rather than let poor grammar become the bane of your website, be sure to proofread your content carefully before posting. There are also a variety of free and low cost online tools that you can use to proofread your content and make it cleaner and more polished for public consumption.

Long unbroken texts

Long-unbroken-contentMany online readers do not have the patience to read the contents of a page from start to finish. And this is even more true when a page’s content is just a long, unbroken ramble. Thus, you need to make your pages much easier to read by using short sentences and short paragraphs. Subheadings can also help break up the content of a page into easy to digest chunks. You could also use relevant images or other multimedia to break up your pages (but not too much so it doesn’t distract readers). Google also hates long unbroken texts because they are much more difficult for Googlebots to crawl over. Just remember that the more whitespace your pages have, the less cluttered and unappealing they’ll look.

Stuffing keywords

Keyword stuffing makes your content less intelligible, and gone are the days when Google was once fooled by such a tactic. If you insist on stuffing keywords, all you are going to end up with are offended readers, and probably a penalty from Google. So, save yourself the trouble by only making use of keywords when necessary, instead of slotting them in randomly even when they make no sense in a sentence. Instead of slapping a URL like ““ anywhere in your content, for example, you can use “NZ Domains @ Discount Domains” as an anchor text linked to that URL and make it flow naturally with the paragraph it’s found in. Keywords in a sentence, just like every other word, should appear natural and actually contribute to the meaning of a sentence.

Text without images

Google doesn’t actually hate this copywriting error, but it does prefer when you make smart use of images. Also, most readers find long text with no images extremely boring, so it pays to break up your text with relevant images.

To make the best use of these, insert “alt tags” in the images to boost the SEO of that page and increase the page’s chances of showing up in search results.

No internal links

Internal links that can lead readers to other pages on your website are just as important as external links. Google really appreciates internal links because it facilitates its ability to crawl over your website by simply following the internal links, and this will in time improve the overall SEO of your website.

Final thoughts

By avoiding the above mistakes and making use of the tips, Google and visitors alike will better appreciate your website and this will gradually improve the attractiveness of your pages as well as their ranking in search results.

Don’t believe us? How about you give our tips a try and let us know in the comment section how it turned out? Till then, ciao!

Why Copywriting Is The Most Important Part of a Business

Achieve Higher Rankings with London's SEO Experts

If you’re a business owner, hug your copywriters. They hold your business together and are the backbone of your marketing strategy. Without them, you’d appear boring, uncompelling, and like any other company in the market. They’re your greatest asset.

Your copywriter, if you have one, is the most important part of your business. That’s right, I said it and it’s true. The MOST IMPORTANT. Copywriters are more important than graphic designers, social media experts, PPC specialists, bloggers, and your sales team. Without a copywriter, all of these other jobs would fall short and not have as big of an impact. Which is why we are the most important part of any business.

Of course, I’m speaking biasedly, but let’s compare jobs and took a deeper look.

Why Your Copywriter Is More Important Than Your Graphic Designer

Graphic designers are important. As humans, we gravitate towards what’s aesthetically appealing. Without an awesome graphic designer, businesses wouldn’t be able to sell some super cool and sexy brands. In order to have a successful business, you need images and a look that sticks and is appealing to people. You must have a website or a landing page that people like to look at and are easy to navigate, but….

What good does a nice-looking website or ad do if the words on it are boring, unemotional, and don’t stick? Here is an example:

You want to learn the German language, so you look for an online course. Luckily, you fall upon a website that is amazingly well-done. It has cool images, graphics, and even some cool interactive things. But, the text (copy) says “We teach German. Click here for our courses. You won’t regret it!”. Let’s be honest that’s pretty boring. Would you click on that?

Now, what if you saw another site and the design was not the best. We can even say it was really plain and boring, but the copy says “Learn Fluent German in 100 days from Scratch or Your Money Back Guaranteed!”. Which copy sounds more appealing? The first example or the second?

I’ve seen a number of sales pages, websites, and ads whose actual physical look was not that great, but the words were amazing and I was sold. When an ads objective is to persuade, sell, and have a call to action then you need words. Words are the most important. Therefore, copywriters are more important than graphic designers.

Why Your Copywriter Is More Important Than Your Social Media Experts

I love social media just as part of the next person and its important part of a business in this age. It’s smart for a business to have a social media expert, but that doesn’t mean it’s more important than the copywriter. Why?

Yes, social media experts are experts in spreading the company brand, getting exposure, and bringing traffic to your website. But, if the text on your social media profiles and posts are dull, lifeless, and generic then what does that say about your business? It’s not enough to just make a post. You need to be able to showcase your company’s personality, brand, and attract people to move towards your site. How do you do that?

Get a copywriter. A creative one.

Why Your Copywriter Is More Important Than Your PPC Consultants

PPC ads, or pay-per-click ads, are a massively useful tool for any business. They get traffic to your website, get you more exposure, and contribute to making a conversion. But what happens once the person gets to your website? What does your website or landing page say? Is it compelling, enticing, persuasive enough? Will it convince anyone to convert?

I’ve seen so many PPC ads that lead to poorly-written landing pages. What a waste of money. Want to save cash and increase your chances of getting the conversion?

Hire a creative copywriter that knows how to sell with words. If you don’t have one, your business is not living up to its potential and that is a sad thought.

Why Your Copywriter Is More Important Than Your Blog Writers

This is pretty meta. You’re reading an actual blog post now, so that goes to show you that well-written blogs are important and useful. They provide valuable information, tools, and can increase loyalty, your email list, and visitors to your site. I love blogs and I love writing blogs, but let me ask you this:

Who do you want as your content marketer?

  • Someone who knows all the best blogging techniques, practices, and can write well?
  • Or a copywriter who is trained in the art of persuasion, branding, advertising, conversion strategy AND who also knows the same blogging techniques and strategies?

What would be the best for your company? A copywriter.

Why Your Copywriter Is More Important Than Your Sales Team

Obviously, your sales team is important too. They make the sale. Your sales team does a lot of persuading and they make that push so deals can be made. BUT…

What if you hired a direct-response copywriter who can tweak your sales pitch to be 10% more persuasive, 10% more personal, which would guarantee a 10% increase in conversions? You know you could this by hiring a savvy direct-response copywriter for ONE DAY? Your sales team is important, but a copywriter can polish the pitches so you can perform better.

If you don’t have a copywriter, do yourself a favor and hire one today.

Conclusion and My Actual Opinion about why copywriting is important 

First of all, before any graphic designer, salesman, blog writer, PPC consultant, or anyone gets angry and messages me, I should say something:  I don’t actually think copywriters are more important than any other team member. I fully believe every part of a business is just as important as the other.

Great copy is important and essential but it doesn’t do much just alone. Every part of a marketing strategy contributes a massive amount. I wrote this to state why copywriting is important, by no means do I believe copywriting is superior to any other job. Copywriting needs all of the factors above.

Whatever part of marketing you need, ClickDo has you covered. Whether it is SEO, web design, PPC, branding, or really any part of digital marketing, ClickDo can you help grow your business by bringing more traffic to your website and thus creating more conversions. Contact ClickDo for a consultation and see how we take your business to a new level of success.

How to Provoke Crazy Emotions in Copywriting to Persuade Clients

Achieve Higher Rankings with London's SEO Experts

Want to learn the copywriting techniques guaranteed to bring your business more conversions and more money?

This is an absolute necessity.

So, you have a killer digital marketing strategy that promises to expose to you a massive audience. Your social media, Facebook, PPC ads, SEO, and others strategies have Hulk-like strength. The company is hungry and determined to grow and to start selling your product or service. The product is amazing and it’ll bring a lot of people value. But, you need it to be sold. How exactly do you do that? Of course, your product has a lot of features and benefits but there hundreds, maybe thousands, of other businesses similar to yours. How do you stand out from the rest?

Trigger people’s emotions so they melt in the palm of your hand. Why? Read on.


How to Provoke Crazy Emotions in Copywriting to Persuade Clients

Do you wonder why our favorite films or books are our favorites? Sure, the story may be compelling but what does it really do to us?

It makes us feel emotional.

They put us in a rollercoaster of emotions that keeps wanting more. It’s mesmerizing to read or watch something and have our emotions be spiked up and down. This is basic human nature to have our attention drawn to things that trigger our emotions. Do you understand the ridiculous power of this when it comes to copywriting in business?

People buy products and services based on their emotions – not just the product or service itself. Therefore, it’s of the utmost importance that you write compelling copy that persuades and influences audiences into your potential leads and into conversions.

How? Let me show you.

Use Your Audience’s Biggest Frustration

I briefly touched upon this in a previous post. One of the best copywriting techniques to use in order to influence your audience is to pick a problem and make it bigger. Essentially, I’m telling you to frustrate your audience. Doing so, will make your audience feel anger and make them think of the problem even more. Why do this?

Picking at the problem and making it bigger makes readers want the problem to be solved. And who has the solution to help them? That’s right, YOU.

After having the problem become bigger in the mind of the audience, you show empathy and then show a solution: your product. Doing this will make your drastically raise your audience’s interest. Triggering anger and frustration will also make them want a solution FAST. How fast do you think they’ll click your call-to-action button after that?

You can tactfully use the PAS technique. Also, you can use trigger words that bring out frustration and anger.

Tell A Story

I mentioned in a previous post that one of the best things to do when it comes to selling your product is to make it seem like you’re not a salesman. Being too salesy seems manipulative and will put the audience’s guard up. You need to relate to your audience and connect with them on another level. How do you do that? Tell a story.

This is when your buyer persona is expertly used. Tell a story or describe a situation in which your target audience can relate to. This shows a level of empathy, sympathy, and connection that can create loyalty in your potential leads. You can show your audience that you understand what they are going through and that you know how to solve the problems that they are facing.

Showing your audience that you understand them lessens the salesy-vibe and makes you more human and caring. Tell a story that inspires them, pulls at their heartstrings and invites them to use their imagination.

Your Product Will Create Happiness

Everybody wants to be happy. In your copy, long or short, you have successfully been able to bring out any number of emotions so now your audience is glued to your ad. You have mentioned the problem that they are probably having and your product is the answer. Now, before they press the call-to-action button you must make them imagine their life with your product.

Write about how your product can change their lives. Tell them to imagine their lives if the problem was solved. Mention how stress-free, more relaxing, and better their well-being could be if they could only have your product. Who doesn’t want that part of their lives solved and taken care of? To save time, money, lessen the headaches, and the frustration. What can do all that? Your product.

This will make your product appear much more attractive and can influence them to buy it almost instantaneously.

Create Scarcity To Make Audiences Take Action

Make your readers move fast. Put the idea in their minds that they’ll be missing out if they don’t purchase your product. This is a powerful copywriting technique because it brings out fear and the “fight or flight” reaction in our brains. Doing this will make your reader feel worried or doomed if they don’t act fast and buy your product at that moment or sometime soon. How do you do this?

  • A limited time offer – create a deadline for your product, telling your customer that the product, special offer, or the price will change soon.
  • Limited quantity only – Tell your readers that your product or service is limited and they must move fast or they won’t be able to purchase and experience what you’re selling.

Whatever you do, make your reader feel like they are missing out. This puts fear in their brains and can have them acting fast. This can rapidly boost your conversions and you can see a whole new level of success.



Our emotions affect how we act. One of the best techniques in copywriting is learning how to write compelling, intriguing, and interesting copy that makes people FEEL. People buy based on their emotions – not just the product or service itself. These are only a few ways to trigger emotions and influence people for more conversions. Want to learn more? And do you want to killer copy written for your business so you can get the most conversions and sales possible? Contact ClickDO for a consultation and see how we can boost your business’ website traffic and success.


SEO Writing Tips — How to Write for Your Readers and the Search Engine


Perhaps the biggest challenge of SEO writing is creating content that will engage readers as well as fulfil the SEO goals of a website or blog. As a blogger or blog post writer, your primary responsibility when crafting content for a blog post or article should be satisfying the demands of your readers. Truth is, however, this approach to content writing won’t really help you achieve your SEO objectives as it completely disregards already laid down rules applied by the popular search engine platform, Google.

To be honest, there is nothing wrong with prioritizing readers’ satisfaction over securing high ranking placements on SERPs. In fact, every content writer should, first and foremost, aim to create written pieces that are readable, comprehensive, and of course, applicable.

Only after content clarity has been established should focus be shifted to on page SEO practices that will boost the ranking of the page and inadvertently, optimize the site. Simply put, the main goal of SEO writing shouldn’t even be the optimization of content, but striking a balance between quality writing and SEO implementation.

Here are a few SEO writing tips that will help you get the attention of your readers and also improve your site’s ranking on SERPs:

Make the Title of Your Article or Blog Post Convincing

The title of an article or a blog post significantly features in SEO writing strategies because it is the first point of contact most web visitors have with a site. It is, thus, important that the title of your article packs a punch and crushes both marketing and SEO objectives.

Clickbait titles have become the norm in the new era of internet journalism and almost every online publication employs the use of the deceitful technique to draw loads of traffic to their platforms. Bloggers and content writers also adopt this practice with sensational headlines crowning countless numbers of blog posts on SERPs. The truth simply is sensationalism works and an article is only as potent as the title that introduces the content.

Apart from the use of clickbait titles, incorporating the focus keyword into the title is a must if you want your site to be highly ranked for that particular keyword. If the focus keyword is a long-tail keyword, however, using it as the title should suffice but only if it is capable of grabbing a reader’s attention.

Be Subtle with the Use of Keywords

seo-friendly-content-writingWhen inserting keywords into the texts of an article or blog post, it is easy to get carried away with populating the entire content. You must, however, show restraint by using the keywords only when necessary. Remember, the principal objective of the article or post is achieving effective communication and the transfer of knowledge, and this won’t be possible if every paragraph in your write-up is riddled with keywords.

There is a flow that is expected when a reader peruses any written content online, which often climaxes with a resounding conclusion. When the use of keywords teeters to the excessive side, this flow is interrupted and the reader won’t be immersed in the story of the content.

Don’t be too anxious to use keywords in an article; the truth is as long as the title of the article contains the keyword, the opportunity to seamlessly blend it with the rest of the article’s text will come.

Believe it or not, the biggest SEO influencer isn’t the set of fancy keywords you add to your content; rather, it is the value your content delivers to the traffic that is driven to it. If the value is non-existent, all your website or blog will have is a high bounce rate that may even lead to a search engine penalty.
Try to Write Short and Concise Sentences

Readability is one of the important criteria that must be met by an article or blog post before it is published. The purpose of SEO is defeated if the article that is being optimized isn’t even readable.

There is nothing wrong with exhibiting your writing prowess and letting your content ooze of creativity. If you, however, want to excel in SEO writing, you must endeavour to keep your articles short while making it concise and compelling.

When writing for the internet audience, you must understand that your readers are from different parts of the world and their command of the English Language varies. Short and simple is the way to go when writing to achieve a high search engine ranking as it helps to reduce your site’s bounce rate by ensuring that your visitors aren’t being alienated by the complexity of your content.

Write What Readers Want to Read

Despite the logic behind this data-backed assertion, it is surprising to see that many bloggers and content writers still drop the ball when deciding on a topic to write. Unless you’re a rock-star blogger with established followership then the articles you write should be exactly what your readers want to read.

If you want to increase the traffic to your online platform (website or blog), you must ensure that the articles you put out are actually centred on topics that are inciting conversation and debates. You can find these topics by looking through comment sections of blogs including yours and also consulting with a Keyword Research Tool.


SEO writing is a skill many bloggers and content writers fail to learn yet remains the core factor that affects the success of all content. Even though the search engine plays an important role in increasing traffic, it should never be the target of an article; rather, an ideal article should be able to answer the questions posed by the web visitors that are brought in by the search engine.

Author Bio

Anthony McKenzie is a renowned content writer and an SEO expert who has carved an impressive freelance career on reputable platforms including Upwork and People per Hour. He is also the owner of the thriving blog, Writing Maniacs. He has worked with several businesses scattered across the globe, creating impressive and optimized content for their web platforms.

4 Copywriting Mistakes That Kill Conversions

Achieve Higher Rankings with London's SEO Experts

Want to know the copywriting mistakes that business owners and copywriters make that kill conversions and drive potential customers away? Learn what you may be doing wrong so you can boost your conversions and grow your business.

4 Common Copywriting Mistakes That Kill Conversions

You’ve done it. The digital marketing plan you implemented was a success. You SEO-optimized your website, your Facebook ads caught people’s attention, social media pages were exciting, content marketing created loyalty, and thus a large number of prospects and visitors became real leads. You have properly used the AIDA formula and people are genuinely interested in your product or service.

Now, they’re on your sales page. This means they’ve warmed up to you and are thinking about buying what you’re selling. They’re reading on and on, and then something happens…

Their interests start to become smaller and smaller as they read the sales page. Their lowering interest starts to turn into confusion and then into apathy. Then they just decide to X out of the page and forget all about your business.

This happens all the time.

It doesn’t just happen on landing pages. This is happening all the time on newsletters, email marketing, PPC ad, social media posts, and all other kinds of online advertisements.

So do you want to know what happened? Want to know the mistakes to avoid so you can make that sale and make the conversions that your business should be making? These are the mistakes every failed business made, so do everything you can to avoid them. What are they? Let me tell you.

Copywriting Mistake #1 – You’re Not Writing to Your Audience

One of the most common copywriting mistakes, and actually in all of the digital marketing, that people make is that they’re not writing to their intended digital marketing. It is either completely wrong or much too broad. Good copywriting doesn’t just say “buy me, anyone”. Good copywriting speaks to a certain group of people, it makes a specific audience stop and pay attention, keeps their interests, and makes them feel like you can fix their problem.

If you’re selling a set of pots and pans, you need to write copy and content in which people who use pots and pans a lot will be interested. You need to narrow it down and understand those specific problems that that demographic faces and why YOUR PRODUCT can fix it.

Another example, if you’re a life coach specifically for women then you won’t be writing content that is so broad that men and children may even relate to it. You may be writing about how to achieve clarity in life when the children leave the house, how to face pregnancy, or how to have a better relationship with their SO. You won’t be writing about masculinity, being a dad, or how to tie a tie.

This is a common mistake that many businesses make. When it comes to copywriting, stick to your niche.

How to Avoid Mistake #1

Do your market research and understand your digital marketing. Don’t just see the demographic but understand their likes, dislikes, problems they have, and their lifestyles. Fill out a buyer persona template and use it to make your writing clearer.

Copywriting Mistake #2 – You’re Listing Too Many Benefits

First off, one of the first rules I learned when it came to copywriting was to not focus on features of a product or a service but to rather the benefits. What does that mean?

It means that if you have a fitness app that tells me how many calories I’m consuming, it’s better to tell me why WHY that is good for me instead of simply telling me that’s a feature. Here are some easy examples:

  • Don’t: This app can track calories
  • Do: Track your calories so you can eat less and lose weight


  • Don’t: This car has six seats
  • Do: You can fit your whole family in this car


  • Don’t: This pan is stainless steel
  • Do: Never buy another pan again

Second, when you make a long list of benefits or features, your copy becomes long-winded and it’ll inevitably become boring to read. Keep the reader wanting more by listing some benefits but keep them guessing and wanting to learn more. This’ll enhance the desire to do the Call-To-Action at the end of the copy.

How to Avoid Mistake #2

If it you have a short copy,  then focus on one benefit and build your whole piece around it.  By doing this you erase the chances of having a long boring list and you can focus on how this one benefit may be good enough to create the conversion.

If you have a long copy, keep the list short and focus on these benefits. Keep the reader guessing and wanting more by mentioning some of the benefits and leading them to the CTA for more information.

Copywriting Mistake #3 – Weak Ending

Many businesses often make this mistake. You may be writing a killer headline, sub-headline, and they’re good enough to persuade the reader to read the first line of copy. Then, the copy slowly becomes boring. It isn’t emotional connecting, not telling of the benefits, too many benefits, not being written to the write audience, the words are boring and nothing stands out. Essentially, your copy lost its momentum.

This happens a lot with long copy such as sales pages or landing pages because you’re really trying to make a big sale with a lot of information. You’re trying to answer all the questions that the reader is probably thinking and it may be just long-winded.

Good copy really does one thing: makes the reader want to read the next line. No matter how long the copy is, the reader must be interested enough to want to know what is coming next.

How to Avoid Mistake #3

  • Reread and proofread your copy over and over again.
  • You need to “trim the fat” and get rid of anything that’s unnecessary.
  • Read your copy out loud to yourself and perhaps to others as well.
  • Use facts and words that elicit emotional triggers and keeps interests.

Copywriting Mistake #4 -You Sound Too Salesy

When you come across an ad that appears like the old-times ads with big words, numbers, too-formal-for-normal-language, and it’s obvious something is just being sold then people’ defenses come up.

When you sound too salesy, the customer feels as if something is taken away from them, not giving or helping them. You come off as pushy and manipulative. This is a major mistake many copywriters make when it comes to writing their copy, especially on sales pages when they’re in the last stretch of their marketing funnel. You must sound like an actual person that wants to help, not just some smarmy salesman.

How to Avoid Mistake #4

Imagine yourself at a cafe with a friend of yours. How would you speak to them? Write like that. Your words on your copy should just sound like a casual conversation. You don’t need to use any fancy language and definitely don’t use any sales or marketing language that can possibly confuse your customer. Be relatable, understandable, and sound like a person so you can get that conversion.


I hope that you were able to read this article and take a look at your ad copy. Perhaps, you read this article and you thought “Oh no! I’m making this mistake.” If you did and are making some of these mistakes, no worries. Many businesses and copywriters make these mistakes and they’re easy to fix. Though, these are only a FEW of the mistakes that are commonly made.

If you’re interested in learning what more to avoid, how to improve your copy, and sharpen your ads then contact ClickDo for a free consultation. It’ll make a huge difference in your conversion rate.

The Importance of Copywriting in Digital Marketing

Achieve Higher Rankings with London's SEO Experts

Want to know the important part of your copywriting in digital marketing strategy that can make or break your business’ success?

Good copywriting in digital marketing

So, you have an awesome product or service that you can’t wait to start giving to the world. You have a proven solution to help people solve a problem and you’re ready to get to work. The website is ready, your social media posts are filling up timelines and newsfeeds promoting your product or service, the paid ads are made, you have a large audience to generate your leads, and you are shaking in anticipation to start selling or getting clients. Yet, nothing has happened. No sales, no clients, no contact, no nothing. You may ask yourself “What’s the problem? I have a good product, my business is being seen, and I have everything in order.”

To be honest, it doesn’t matter how amazing, life-changing, useful, or valuable your service or product is if you don’t know how to make it appeal to your potential customers or clients. You can have a product that could literally save someone’s life, but if you don’t know how to make your leads feel like they need it then you’ll be going nowhere fast. This is where good copywriting comes in.

Your business may have a social media account, a logo, good branding, Facebook ads, a stellar website, a sales page, etc. , but what you say is the most important thing. Copywriting turns your product or service from just another thing in the marketplace to something your client or customer needs. Let’s go deeper. Want to know what good copywriting does? Read on and find out.

Engages Emotions in your copywriting

Want to make your digital marketing stand out? Make people feel something. Emotions play a significant part when it comes to people investing in a service, product, or in their own time. Why is a movie or book good? Because they spike our emotions. They make us excited, curious, and wanting more. Why do we buy a product or a service? Because we feel like we need it. We’re told and feel as if it can solve a problem that we need to be solved. Good copywriting can make people feel curious about what a product can do, how it can help, and create the emotions that trigger actions that’ll turn into conversions.

Nothing is more boring than an ad that just says “buy now”. Good copywriting tells people why they should, what problems will be solved, and can create the environment in people’s mind that’ll make them act. Want to really stand out? Find ways for your copywriting to spike emotions that’ll make potential customers feel like they need more.

Boost Your Website SEO with perfect copywriting

It’s no secret that Google loves high-quality and original content. If you need anything or want to know something then you’ll probably be googling it. The top searches are usually super long, in-depth, valuable content that answers all of your questions on just one page and you’ll leave that page knowing everything that you wanted to know.

Copywriting has a number of SEO benefits for your website and if done the right way can make a huge impact on your Google ranking. Copywriting puts an emphasis not only on spiking emotions and getting conversions but also keywords. The majority of online content will be written with a target keyword or keywords in mind and needs to appear around 1% of the article to get the SEO benefits. Good copywriting includes a few uses of the target keyword, entices readers, and makes them feel like they need the product or service.

High-Quality Content

It has to be said: content is king. Good copywriting in your digital marketing creates comfort and loyalty in readers and potential customers because they’re getting useful, valuable information. They may love it so much that they’ll share it with others and thus increase and grow your brand. What you say in your copy has the potential to create loyalty that’ll grow exponentially. Good copywriting form relationships with people and it’ll help your ideas and what you do stick to their minds. If the content is good, then it’ll be shared and you’ll be reaping more conversions than before.

Google will consider social as a ranking factor. If you produce a lot of high-quality content and it’s being shared on social media then your website will rank higher. Why do people click on a headline and read the awesome, high-quality content that’ll inevitably be shared? Because they’ll read an awesome, high- quality, engaging headline. That is good copywriting.

Good copywriting is the backbone of digital marketing. You may have every other part of your marketing in check and functioning but the words and what is being said creates the biggest impact and holds it all together. Solid, engaging copy can take your product and service from looking boring and like similar products or services to something people feel like they need and want.


Is your copy good enough to attract, entice, convert, and keep clients or customers? Contact ClickDo for a consultation and see how we can boost your traffic and conversions today.