GDPR Compliance For Small Business – Implementation Case Study

“Attention to Detail” is the key to success in 2018 Digital World!

– Fernando, CEO.

GDPR is making a huge noise in the Digital Business Niche, where Businesses have a website to take inbound leads and call back customers based on their inputs on the website. This required consent from the users based on the new GDPR. To achieve this, many popular inbound lead management systems came up with great solutions which are most expensive.

Social Media Marketers, Lead generation Systems and almost all inbound lead generation SAAS require GDPR Compliance. At ClickDo, we have formed a compliance system which is partly automated and makes sure you are safe if you follow the GDPR Guidelines.

How this system functions?

Its not a black magic at all! We have framed this system so simple that anyone can replicate this system with the most minimal works from your end. This system requires some development works and we have a minimal setup FEE at ClickDo.

We have a Cookie Pop-up on the site Header. Below are screenshots of Sticky Cookie pop-up that we have integrated on the client websites.

Lawyers Website with Cookie Pop Up for GDPR on Top of the website.

Real Estate / Property Based client with Cookie Pop-up in the footer.

London’s #1 Orthodontist website having Cookie Pop-up setup by ClickDo! We have also built the website from scratch and ranked it on Top of Google!

ClickDo – Our own website with Cookie Pop-up.

Data Deletion / Export Request Form:

According to GDPR Compliance, a business website that collects user identifiable information should have a Data deletion / export request form. Below is an example for the same:

Data Deletion / Export request for an Employment Lawyer in London.


The most important step of all is to have consent checkbox for all the contact forms on the business website. We have implemented the same without compromise in quality of website design/look and feel.

Below is the best example of how we have completed this in a professional way!

An Employment Lawyer Website Consent Check Box.

Property Management Business Website Consent Check Box

Orthodontist Website Consent Checkbox done by ClickDo

For More Details about GDPR Implementation for your Business Website, Get in touch with ClickDo!

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