How Using Facebook Pixel Can Help Your Facebook Marketing Strategy

What is Facebook Pixel?

Facebook Pixel is a marketing analysis tool. That shows how well your Facebook ads are performing by monitoring how people use your website.

What Does Facebook Pixel Do?

  • Displays how many clicks, conversions & impressions your ad(s) have made.
  • Displays all the costs for clicks, impressions and conversions.
  • Facebook automatically Optimises your ads so that your ads are only shown to people who are likely to be interested by the ads
  • Allows for re-targeting ads.
  • Create specific audiences e.g. People who have visited your website and have added products to their cart but didn’t checkout.
  • Can be linked to multiple domains & webpages for maximum efficiency.


What Does This Mean for You?

Facebook Pixel will increase your sales (when used correctly). Getting you more clicks, impressions and conversions. Allows you to manage and track all your ads to see which ones are performing the best. Pixel allows you re-target your ads; if the first ad wasn’t enough to close the sale, you can re-target specific people to reel them back in. You can link your Facebook pixel to all your domains you may own, making it easier to manage all of your ads across all of your websites/blogs.

Scenario of When Pixel Is Effective

Did you know nearly 70% of the people who add items to their cart don’t checkout? Wouldn’t it be amazing if you could re-target these people to give them that final nudge to close the sale. Well with Facebook pixel you can! Using pixel; you can see how people interact with your site, what pages they go on for example. You can target the people who visit the cart page but don’t visit the “thank you page” after completing an order. You can target these people again with another advert to attempt to close the sale. Sites like Amazon use this strategy.

How Do I Get Facebook Pixel?

      • Access the Pixel Page via Facebook Ads
      • Click Actions>View Pixel Code
      • Copy the code
      • Paste the code in the <header> tag of your websites HTML code.

Author Profile

Dinesh Kumar VM
Senior SEO Consultant and Blogger Outreach Expert at ClickDo Ltd. Also, I help Business Owners in the UK by flooding more Leads to their Business through Google Ads, Facebook Ads & Remarketing. Author in many premium UK blogs.