7 Tips for Creating Content on a Budget

7 Tips for Creating Content on a Budget

Content creation is a powerful tool for any business because it helps reach and build strong connections with the target audience, but how do you tackle content creation when resources are limited? Small businesses don’t have the luxury of affording in-house marketing teams and premium services, so we’ve put together these seven tips for content creation on a budget.

7 Tips for Creating Content on a Budget

1. Collaborate with Other Content Creators

Collaborate with Other Content CreatorsCollaborating with other content creators is a great way to save money while creating powerful content. For example, you can write a guest post or allow guest posts on your blog, which allows you to cross-promote content and reach new audiences. Alternatively, if you’re working on a more elaborate piece like a podcast or video, you can pool resources and collaborate to create something truly remarkable.

2. Repurpose Existing Content

If you’ve already got a catalogue of successful content, you can dig into the archives and turn existing content into something new. For example, you can turn a long-form blog post into an information video, which can be posted on YouTube and shared across social media to boost exposure.

Repurposing content allows you to get more mileage out of your work, and it will save a lot of time, which is another precious resource for small businesses. You will be surprised by how much you can rinse and repeat a piece of content. As a bonus, it will allow you to keep content evergreen, which will keep audiences coming back for relevant information.

3. Make Use of Free Tools and Resources

You don’t need to pay for premium software to create stunning content because there is a free design tool for pretty much any task. For example, Google Docs, Sheets, Slides, and Forms allow you to work on content collaboratively without having to pay for the likes of Microsoft Office.

Make Use of Free Tools and ResourcesDigital tools aren’t the only free resource you can utilise for content creation. Given that around 85% of the global population has a smartphone, which likely has a respectable camera, you’ve already got access to an incredible tool for shooting high-quality videos. After all, if it’s okay for Bentley Motors in 2014, it should be more than suitable for any small business.

4. Focus on Building a Connection with Your Audience

Building a solid connection with the audience is one of the most important things you can do as a content creator. When audience members feel a true connection, they’re more likely to follow your social channels, subscribe to your newsletter, share content with others, and purchase your products/services.

You can build solid connections without spending a fortune, just make sure you follow these tips:

  • Be transparent. People appreciate honesty and integrity from content creators, so don’t be afraid to share the struggles just as much as the successes.
  • Be consistent. Publish new content regularly to build expectations among your audience.
  • Be helpful. Always try to flush your content with useful and relevant information.
  • Be authentic. Let your personality shine bright because people can spot a faker a mile away.
  • Be responsive. Interact with your social media following to demonstrate how much you care.

5. Be Persistent and Patient

Building a brand and boosting sales through content creation doesn’t come overnight, so practice patience and persistence to make sure you remain committed for the long term. If you don’t see desired results immediately, keep plugging away with great content, and eventually you’ll catch a break. You can strengthen your patience and persistence by celebrating the wins and setting realistic goals.

6. Promote Content for Free

Promote Content for FreeSharing content doesn’t have to cost anything, especially thanks to innovations in social media marketing. Alternatively, you can reach out to other blogs and websites to see if they’re interested in posting your content. Similarly, you can submit your content to directories, which are fantastic for having content indexed by search engines.

7. Use Your Email List

If you have a means of collecting audience contact details, whether it be through the sales funnel or subscriptions to your newsletter, you can use email addresses to send out high-quality and exclusive content. Believe it or not, despite how intuitive mail provider spam blockers are, email marketing still has the highest return on investment (ROI). In fact, the average email marketing campaign makes around £36 for every £1 spent.

Content creation on a budget is more than possible if you’re willing to follow the tips outlined above and create information, engaging, and relevant content. Remember, your content may not see immediate success, so remain persistent and patient and the hard work will eventually pay off.