Best 6 Tips and Tools to Use when Building your SaaS Brand

Best 6 Tips and Tools to Use when Building your SaaS Brand

It is incredible to see just how far technology has come and how much of an impact it’s had on the way businesses are conducted in today’s world. For SaaS (Software as a service) companies, technology continues to empower and drive a lot of the success that they have.

However, there are still many challenges that your brand can face, especially as the market becomes more saturated with competition. To help grow and develop your brand further, there are a few tips and tools worth knowing about.

Here is all you need to know when it comes to building your SaaS brand this year.

1. Think about the Client

build-a-saas-brandAny SaaS company has the chance to garner success in this digital world we live in, however, there are some elements you need to have to achieve that success. As a SaaS brand, the client remains an important focal point, and the more you can cater to their needs, the better.

There needs to be an appetite for the product or service that you are selling and that is why it is essential to assess the level of demand it has on the market. You may find that market research is one of the most beneficial ways to gather this data. Look at your competition and consider the clients they have actively worked for in the past.

This will give you an idea of what businesses to look for and you can start to build up criteria that will help you find leads going forward. Your product or service should be versatile and adaptable to a variety of different businesses. If you can provide that flexibility, then it is going to help you pull in a wider market.

Building long-term relationships with your clients should be the aim of each one that purchases from your business. Simply seeing them as a single transaction is not going to maximize the potential client growth for your brand. Keeping them happy and knowing what they need and want from you is going to contribute to their loyalty toward you as a company.

Provide value both in the products and services you sell but also within your client relationships too.

2. Create a Brand Identity

saas-content-marketingIt is not just what you sell that is important as a SaaS company but your brand identity too. According to Stackla, they found that 86% of consumers said that authenticity is a key factor when deciding on what brands to like and support.

Due to social media and businesses creating a more personable viewpoint of the company through these mediums, a lot of clients will be looking at what the brand is like, not just the product or service they are buying.

As it’s been mentioned, with an increasingly saturated market in all industries, including that of SaaS companies, it’s essential to create an identity in order to stand out. Differentiating yourself from other businesses that are like yours can help avoid confusion and will ensure more success as a result.

A few tips to help with creating a brand identity include:

  • Make sure it is distinct and recognizable to your company.
  • Think about the message you are trying to convey and use this brand message template to help.
  • Identify the competition and use them as inspiration for your own branding.
  • Brainstorm your visuals and ideas with a team of collaborators rather than just one or two individuals. The more eyes and creativity you have in your branding process, the better.

3. Eye is in the Detail

building-your-saas-brandWhen it comes to the creation of your products, you want to think about ideas that do not currently exist or alternatively, do but could be done much better by your brand. Customer feedback is always a good place to start to find what they are lacking when it comes to your products/services but also what is not currently on the market either.

Even though your product or service does not need to be perfect the first time around, that’s what updates are for. However, the more detail you can put into your products, the better. Ease of use is one of the main features that your customers will be looking for and so you should be finding ways to develop and better your software every time you release a new version or update.

Showing attention to detail always bodes well for your customers and it also shows that you listen to customer feedback too. There is nothing more rewarding and gratifying than customers seeing their feedback being put into action. By building your brand through customer influence, you end up creating a very loyal and strong client base.

4. Elevate your Marketing Strategy

saas-content-marketerA solid B2B marketing strategy is essential for any type of business. If you do not have the right marketing and advertising in place, then your product or service will go largely unnoticed. Advertising can help your business grow in following but also help generate awareness of the products and services you sell.

Sag Ipl found that 84% of the communications online were visual in 2020. Your potential customers want to see your products or services in action, so try to centralize your content around this objective. The more you can explain and showcase the product/service in action, the more likely it will be purchased.

Add value and inform your customers of the ROI that is offered when they become a customer of yours. Try to market yourself through different mediums and find where your customers are when targeting the online market.

Not all businesses have time to invest when it comes to marketing, so they often turn their attention to outsourced opportunities. You may find it useful to approach a SaaS marketing agency to take on this work for you.

Using a marketing agency that specializes in SaaS can be more efficient than using a standard marketing agency. A specialism in SaaS marketing will likely target your audience successfully with the right growth strategy to suit your needs as a business.

Investing in your marketing is a regular expenditure and so it is something that you want to get right from the beginning. Especially if your marketing strategy is for the long term, with SEO and SaaS link building, less money is wasted on ineffective marketing and outsourcing, which will increase your profit margins.

5. Improve Management of your Teams

software-as-a-serviceThe secret behind a successful business is not how good a product or service is but the people who make it all happen. Your employees are the cogs that keep the wheels of the business turning and it is important that you always strive to improve management where possible.

Every person within your organization counts towards your success as a brand and so it is worth finding solutions to any management problems you may have. How can you improve the productivity of your business?

The management in your business should be active in their efforts to enhance the performance of your team, whilst also inspiring creativity and workplace satisfaction. With the right management in place, you have more opportunities of driving change and overcome the challenges that your brand faces.

Recognize great employees when you see them and work hard to keep them within the company for as long as possible. Keeping staff turnovers at a low level can benefit your business in more ways than one. Too much time can be wasted in the recruitment of staff, so implement management software and create team-building opportunities.

6. Spend money on your Reputation and Credibility

starting-a-saas-companyWhen it comes to software development and businesses involved with SaaS, credibility, and reputation are critical. This is especially so when you are just starting out and first impressions mean a lot. It is something that you want to invest in from the start and there are many ways in which you can do this.


Testimonials are a great way of showcasing the work you’ve already provided for satisfied customers. The more positive experiences that you can show off, the better. Great testimonials are ones that show how you overcame problems or issues that your client had, so try to provide a template for your clients to feedback.

With structured questions, you can get all the information that will encourage new or potential leads to follow through with purchasing your product or service. Testimonials are often the thing that new customers rely on when making the decision to work with your brand.

Availability around the clock

Where you can, it is important to show that you’re available 24/7. Even if you set up a webchat service on your website, that operates with automated robots out of office hours. It shows that you are always willing to help with queries that your customers have. That transparency means a lot to customers and is likely to strengthen the experience the customer has.

Case studies & awards

Detailed case studies and any coverage of awards or accolades you’ve earned; can be a great way of helping sway customers over to you instead of your competition.

Strive for more growth when it comes to your SaaS brand by using what you have learned in this article. By doing so, you will see happier customers and an increase in sales for your business.

Natalie RedmanAuthor Bio: Natalie Redman

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Freelance writer for many clients including Skale, Natalie has two years of copywriting experience. Natalie has a wide range of experience in copywriting for web pages for businesses across many industries. She is also the owner of two blog websites and a Youtube content creator.