.app domain names: Are .app domains worth buying for your application website?

.app domain names are high in demand and I can see many people registering .app domains for their new building websites.
I just register the .app domain for seekahost.app for the new building blog hosting solution platform. As a leading PBN hosting provider in the world
In the below video you can see how I go about registering the .app domain name.
Now let’s look at is it worth registering .app domains?
As I explained in the video .app domains are good for your applications and it’s also vital to have for any business that’s planning to build a brand and grow big.
Because you do not want to leave such Top-level TLD for the future and not have the opportunity to register it.
So, registering your .app domain while it’s available if vital. So, you can do that at seekahost.co.uk
Are .app domains SEO friendly?
I do not have enough evidence yet to confirm that .app domains are SEO friendly however I can say with the right backlink packages you can rank any domain name.
Do the On-page SEO right and then buy backlinks online to help the SEO ranks and organic traffic generation.
That’s how I rank websites.
If you have a .app domain you can also link up from the .com or .co.uk main website to pass on the SEO power from it.
When you link from the main website which is authoritative make sure you do a direct keyword-rich anchor and it’s also safe.
Also, you may also do some sidebar links and if planning a link from the footer as well make it no follow to give the Google bots the indication that it’s to promote the site with anchor text.
Author Profile

- I'm the CEO of ClickDo Ltd. and SeekaHost UK - I help the business grow online with latest SEO services & digital marketing strategies. You can find my guest blogs on the UK business Blog as well as on our my guest blogs on the UK Tech Blog
. More details about me can be found on this page.
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