The Power of Salesforce DX can Take You a Long Way

To run a business depending on release management, you need smarter and healthier release management plans too. And one of the smartest things available in the market for better release management is Salesforce DX coupled with services to implement it better in your business.
Salesforce DX is a power and feature enhancement tool that you use to increase the power of Salesforce, which you use as the sole development platform for all your app developments. If you are using Salesforce as the app development and lifecycle management platform, then you would soon need the power of Salesforce DX.
Key features of Salesforce DX
The main features of Salesforce DX, which differentiates it from all other featured tools are:
- Native version control
- Conflict management
- Easy data migration
- Regression testing
- Better ideation
- Environment management
- Code repository
Combine the power of with it, and you will discover how great DX is as a native release solution.
Salesforce DX is built for the following:
- Seamless ability to integrate with everything and that too very easily
- No GIT is required, and DX is fully functional in native version control
- GIT integrated
- Version control helps in the management of complex component handling, merging data, and other programmatic and declarative handling
- All components can be handled in lightning fast speed with DX
- DX can be used and implemented directly from the UI of Salesforce without any additional preparation or infrastructure.
- Without any training or learning the new features of DX can be used.
- You can customize and extend features of Salesforce through this technology.
- Citizen developers can get comfortable with DX related solutions just like they are with Salesforce.
- Extreme data security can be enjoyed with Salesforce DX, as no open IPs are there and no production orgs also gets accessed.
The amazing results you would see with Salesforce DX
When you apply Salesforce DX with the help of great solutions, you can see remarkable development in your release management based on business. With DX, the efficiency of developers increased, while compliance costs reduced, and also more features could be delivered at a much-lowered cost of ownership. Some of the statistics based on users’ remarks are as follows:
- Cost of ownership can be lowered by 32% with the application of DX.
- Developers can enjoy an increase in efficiency by 29%.
- 41% more feature rich environment can be obtained to increase speed and quality of delivery.
- Compliance costs can be reduced by 54%.
You can get accelerated growth with the implementation of Salesforce DX, when you also enroll to good third-party solutions and services, which trigger your comfort level with DX at a higher rate, by integrating it faster and seamlessly with your current Salesforce.
This would not demand extra investment or infrastructure enhancement. Only the awareness about Salesforce and the mental setup to start using DX to see the difference will take you many steps ahead in release management acceleration and faster deployment with reliable data security in each and every step.
Author Profile

- I'm the CEO of ClickDo Ltd. and SeekaHost UK - I help the business grow online with latest SEO services & digital marketing strategies. You can find my guest blogs on the UK business Blog as well as on our my guest blogs on the UK Tech Blog
. More details about me can be found on this page.
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