How Google Ranks Impact daily online sales?

The slightest of a drop in ranks can massively impact the daily online sales. How do I know it best?
At SeekaHost we were getting nonstop daily sales for the keyword “minecraft server hosting uk” as this page was ranking on top 3 on Google. And last Tuesday the ranks fell back to 5th and 6th spots for the term “uk minecraft server hosting” as well and I started to notice a massive drop in daily sales.
Ranking on top is the best to get all the clicks but being on top 3 is pretty good to get most of the clicks. But falling below that makes it harder to get sales unless the tops ranking pages have done a bad job in conversion optimization.
The SeekaHost web page is perfectly optimized for conversions and it’s pretty well converting. The web team at ClickDo did a good job in that I am happy how good they can do business pages that help in conversions.
Why did the ranks drop?
It could be for many reasons but I’m thinking Google did not like or are testing the last link I did. I got a guest post on
as you can see it’s keyword-rich direct anchor. That’s first such anchor that hits at the SeekaHost page and I will keep an eye on the link and ranks and decide if I will remove it or change the anchor. The links is from a really good domain and I can not think anything can cause the drop. however the direct anchor text might have come across fishy on Google bots.
The page was ranking well but this drop caused in a massive loss for daily sales.
How did we combat the rank drop?
Started doing Google AdWords for the below terms:
- minecraft server hosting
- best minecraft server hosting
- Minecraft hosting
How does Google Ads work?
Google Ads works the best as when a person wants Minecraft server hosting they click on the top result as soon as they see it. And that’s why ranking higher on Google in this niche matters.
What’s the plan to rank #1 for Minecraft server hosting?
Build more authority for targeted page as well as for the the main site that’s going after game server hosting.
I will write back to show how I get the ranks for the SeekaHost web page and what I’m doing to rank #1 for “Minecraft server hosting uk”
The ultimate term is to rank for “best minecraft server hosting” for the UK searches happening on as it should help us 300 to 500 new clients each month.
Author Profile

- I'm the CEO of ClickDo Ltd. and SeekaHost UK - I help the business grow online with latest SEO services & digital marketing strategies. You can find my guest blogs on the UK business Blog as well as on our my guest blogs on the UK Tech Blog
. More details about me can be found on this page.
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