How To Go Bankrupt Quickly?- Harmful Tips For Online Store Owners
Look around, the entire world is hanging out online. Everything today is possible online. Whether you want the right life partner or business partner or just need a plumber to fix your leaking tap or you need veggies at your doorsteps, there is one answer to all your problems. – GO ONLINE!. In such a situation, the responsibility of online sellers, retailers, marketers, advertisers, and each and everyone in the exchange of goods and services gets doubled. Plus, business competition also catches a peak. So, there is less or no scope for making any mistake. Your one mistake may kick you out of the show.
For all the online shoppers, sellers, and especially small businesses, we are highlighting some commonly done mistakes. If your business is already running online, correct it. And if you are planning to take it online, avoid these mistakes to get a blasting response.
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Common Mistakes Online Shop Owners Make
It is ok to make mistakes but repetitively doing the same mistake creates problems. Timely correction of your mistakes is good for you. But to correct them you need to know about your mistakes. Here are some commonly done mistakes that every online shop commits which you can correct.
1. Choice of Theme
The theme for an online shop is just like an interior decoration for your offline outlet. The selection of a wrong theme directly affects your earnings. All the website host and content management systems like WordPress (used by the majority of the small online shops) provide hundreds of free as well as paid themes to choose from. Moreover, it gives the flexibility to customize it accordingly. Here the major question that arises is how one gets to know that a particular theme is right or wrong. Well, you may try to align the theme with your goals. If the theme aids in achieving them, you are going good, else make some changes. The in-built themes are designed keeping in mind the various business and professions like restaurants, photography, or blogging.
In this article, we are talking specifically about shops, so the theme should be such that its interface should be easy for the buyers to search for products. It must be updated time and again. And most important, once you choose your theme, stick to it. Because changes in theme, time and again, confuse buyers which is not good for online business owners.
2. Setting Up Right Payment System
Set up a payment system that is quick, popularly used, convenient to all, and most importantly safe and secure. Using this guide you will be able to set up a payment system. and make sure you know the complete procedure of setting up a payment gateway, payment processor, and merchant bank formalities. Provide your customers with a wide-ranging variety of digital payment options. Also, make sure to keep it secure. If possible, also provide the COD (Cash on Delivery) option to attract a larger number of customers. There should also be a systematic process for refund and discount.
3. Absence of Marketing Plans
Marketing is the key to success for any business and so is yours. If you won’t provide effective branding solutions, people can’t help it out. You have to reach your consumers. Here are some tips that would help you in reaching out to your consumers.
4. Find Your Target Customers
It may be Facebook, Instagram, or YouTube, anywhere. Social media marketing and Digital Marketing is booming these days. Create engaging content to convince people to convert them into potential customers. Offer them exciting discounts and sale prices. This way things will go in your favour.
5. Do Not Quit
There are ample online shops and so the competition is cut-throat. You have to keep patience and keep doing things positively. Choose your target audience and focus only on them. Be consistent in what you are doing, say regularly post your marketing content on social media. Do not quit once you start just because results are not coming.
6. Plan Well
Without planning, you can’t be able to make it systematically. Make a plan and outline and everything. Answer questions like what, when, and where you do marketing and promote your business. So, if you are not doing business, you are planning about your business.
Use SEO Techniques
If you are a novice, SEO means Search Engine Optimization. The fundamental work of SEO is to push your website up in search engine ranking. This way your website will be exposed to more people. The more you fetch organic traffic (free visitors), the higher the ranking your page will get. Learn some SEO tips here –
1. Blogging
Let us explain this with an example of the renowned online shop for kids i.e.’ the first cry. This website deals in all types of kid’s stuff, from clothing to toys and everything. To engage users on its website, it has a separate online fast blogging website also which is ‘firstcry parenting’. This is a win-win strategy where the webmaster gets earnings from blogs also and from selling stuff also.
2. Add Keywords in Content
This is a very prominent tool of SEO games. Keywords help in pushing up your rankings. And only in blogs but also use keywords in the product description. Use LSI and primary keywords both, because each has its importance.
3. Install Yoast SEO Plugin
WordPress offers many free plugins. One such is Yoast SEO. This plugin gives tips to improve your article or blog from an SEO point of view.
4. Forgetting Past Customers
Sometimes looking back is good. Past customers have already tried and tested your products and services. So these customers are easy targets to sell your products. You just need to keep in touch and make sure that they consistently like your brand. Thank them for shopping with you and taking their feedback. Ensure them that improvements will be done, if needed.
No effort is ever wasted. Either you earn from it or learn from it. Making mistakes is natural which is ok but correcting them and moving ahead is what is needed. Surely the above-highlighted mistakes will help you to clear your vision and focus on your goal better. Good luck!
Author Profile
- Dinesh Kumar VM, born and raised in India. Experienced Digital Marketing Consultant. Skilled in Blogging, SEO & Paid Campaigns. Wrote & published various books related to SEO, Web Development & Google AdWords. Dinesh Kumar VM, Skilled SEO Consultant has nearly a decade of Experience in Search Engine Optimization. Dinesh is also author in many premium UK based Business Blogs and Magazines.
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