Best business coach in UK for coaching and mentoring start-ups and entrepreneurs

When it comes to growing a business or starting your first new business, having a UK business coach near can help in many ways.
And best if you have the best business coach in UK by your side to work with you and advice you 24/7.
There is no other business coaching in the UK that offers 24/7 business support other than award wining entrepreneur and businessman Neil Franklin.
Neil Franklin has over thirty-five years of business experience and he has also experienced and survived 3 rescissions in his lifetime but more importantly, he is totally self-made.
Leaving school with no qualifications, he eventually got those qualifications 3 years later and by then, he had a deep and burning desire to start a business.
He goes into his story more in this article, which he wrote for London business news, he explains about “how I started my first business from a living room in London.”
Neil has written almost everything about starting a business in the UK, how to grow a company fast and his famous article, “how to become a linchpin” is a must read for anyone who wish to start a business or succeed in any aspect of life.
The “how to build a sales team for your business to sell your products and services” is one of the best articles that shows how anyone can get good at sales and that’s the type of business coaching services you get from Neil Franklin when you ask him for business advice.
Why Neil Franklin is the best business coach in UK?
Neil has won many business awards and not only did he start and built a multimillion-pound business in the UK, but he also moved to US and built businesses there as well.
Running in a business in a city like London is hard and growing a global operation from nothing to $65m within ten years proves that his desire to start a business was the right one.
I personally work with Neil and he currently advices me personally on overall business strategy, growth and the key difference with Neil is that I can access him 24/7 and get rapid answers to any business issue of problem.
I must also say that Neil is the best business coach when it comes to helping with business message creation — he knows exactly how to get to the heart of the business and make it resonate with the target audience.
For entrepreneurs who have started many companies in the UK and internationally, having a business coach and mentor is vital for their success.
How can a business coach help?
Neil explains it all in this article about online business coaching. Currently, Neil provides business advice for start-ups in the UK and via the UK business list, he provide 24/7-business support and advice.
A business coach can rapidly help you get to the heart of an issue and help you solve those problems that keep you awake at night as well as fine tune your business offering to make it razor-sharp.
It starts with the perfect business message and then scales according to the growth you want and the outcome you desire — including selling your company for maximum value.
Who needs a UK business coach?
The UK based small business owners, start-up entrepreneurs and anyone who wish to get the help and coaching to succeed in business and life in general.
Having a business coach is like having another set of eyes and another brain that is totally in tune with your desires and expectations — when you have a person with years of experience and specialist expertise in business you can leverage their advice to grow your business faster.
Watch the video below, so you can understand how Neil Franklin can help you and why he is the best business coach in the UK.
If you are looking for a business near me, or a business coach London, get in touch with us to arrange your meeting with Neil or call him on the hotline.
Neil is also known as the best small business coach and he cares for the business community in the UK.
Author Profile

- I'm the CEO of ClickDo Ltd. and SeekaHost UK - I help the business grow online with latest SEO services & digital marketing strategies. You can find my guest blogs on the UK business Blog as well as on our my guest blogs on the UK Tech Blog
. More details about me can be found on this page.
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