17 Wix SEO tips to Boost SEO on Wix Websites and rank on first page of Google

Are you looking to improve your Wix website SEO, there are many Wix SEO tips online. But not many are giving accurate answers or show how to step by step boost the SEO and get ranked on the first page.
I get hundreds of business owners asking me is Wix good for SEO and Wix any good for SEO as they know I’m the best SEO expert for their business websites.
So I wanted to do this Wix SEO review after so much testing and seeing what works. I’ve thought it’s not easy to do SEO on Wix websites until I ranked one of our client’s websites on the first page for pretty competitive keywords.
I read the Wix SEO & Other Considerations When Comparing Wix vs WordPress and wanted to add more like the expert in WordPress SEO services. And the problems with Wix SEO and bad advice is filled on Google.
I’ve done all the testing on Wix websites and article which pops on Google first page when you search for “Wix SEO tips” give you some SEO Tips To Boost Your Wix Website. However, I had to test everything that matter when doing search engine optimization on a Wix website and I recently ranked website on the first page in less than a month. It’s by doing on page SEO perfectly after carefully doing keyword research and applying the internal linking and strategically boosting the SEO.
You can learn how to do perfectly On page SEO for any website at our online SEO course.
Below are the 17 Steps to great SEO on Wix and these are our Wix SEO Tips
Check out these SEO techniques that will get your Wix website climbing Google search engine fast.
- Choose a good domain with a keyword in – e.g. joesplumbers.com
- Build your Home page, About us, Contact page and Services / Product pages
- Find search terms people use to find your service or product (go to google and it will give you suggestions in the search box and at the bottom of the page with related searches)
- Use the Wix SEO Wiz to do all the basic necessary SEO on your Wix site.
- Make sure you have good descriptive titles with a keyword in
- Make sure to give a lengthy description of your product/service because Google is a reading machine.
- Reduce the size of your images to less than 50kb’s to help with page speed.
- Add ALT tags to your images in the image settings, ALT tags help Google to figure out what the image is about.
- Add a video to your product/service pages – preferably one that is from your Youtube channel and is about the product/service on that page.
- Make sure you have terms of service and a privacy policy
- User experience is an important ranking factor so make your Wix site look nice and easy to navigate from one page to another.
- Structure your site in the right way for example www.yourwebsite.com/services/service1
- Make your Wix site mobile friendly, you want to check the mobile view in Wix as it may look different from the desktop version. You can also check it on your phone.
- Build your social profiles on the main social websites. This includes Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest, Linkedin, and Youtube. Make sure you add your website link to each one.
- Write blogs about your product/service and add a link in each blog to other parts of your website.
- Submit your sitemap to Google search Console by clicking on the sitemap option and entering sitemap.xml in the box next to your domain name.
- Get backlinks from websites in your niche by contacting them and asking for a guest post.
Read more from the web:
- Is Wix SEO Friendly? Review and Optimization Guide 2019
- How to Improve Wix SEO in 2019 (Step by Step Guide to Rank Higher)
- How To Improve Your Online Visibility With Wix SEO?
With that being said, if you are looking to hire the best Wix SEO expert, do get in touch with me via email or filling the form below.
Author Profile

- I'm the CEO of ClickDo Ltd. and SeekaHost UK - I help the business grow online with latest SEO services & digital marketing strategies. You can find my guest blogs on the UK business Blog as well as on our my guest blogs on the UK Tech Blog
. More details about me can be found on this page.
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