Advanced Content Marketing Strategies To Climb Ranks & Boost traffic

Beyond keywords to sophisticated SEO which promotes dwell time, engagement, link building, and organic reach..
Anyone who has followed SEO practicesSEO practices over the years will agree that so much has changed. For the last eight years or so, there have been tens of new strategies to help sites improve their indexing and ranking.
I’ve been doing SEO services for local businesses since 2014 and come to understand the many changes and identified what works best to gain the top ranks on Google. After all, that’s what you want right? – Rank & Bank.
Let’s looks at some of the advanced content marketing strategies you must follow to get the tops ranks on search engines.
Google always tries to create a level playing field for everyone, and the only way to stay ahead is to embrace new content strategies now and then.
- Today, businesses are looking to boost their overall performances by embracing more technology-driven SEO practices. Practices that help improve the organic reach and the dwell time of users on your site.
- Dwell time is a tried and tested metric whose importance hasn’t been fully appreciated by many SEO practitioners. As a business, you want to try your level best to convert as many clicks into actual sales.
What is dwell time, how does it help your local business?
The concept of dwell time isn’t new and was first highlighted by Bing about 7 years ago;
“By taking this deep approach to building your content, the page a visitor encounters will be viewed as an authority on the topic or item. Your goal should be that when a visitor lands on your page, the content answers all of their needs, encouraging their next action to remain with you. If your content does not encourage them to remain with you, they will leave. The search engines can get a sense of this by watching the dwell time. The time between when a user clicks on our search result and when they come back from your website tells a potential story. A minute or two is good as it can easily indicate the visitor consumed your content. Less than a couple of seconds is a poor result.”
Dwell time is the total duration a user spends between clicking on your website, navigating through, before returning to the Search engine.
For instance, If I click the ‘best restaurant in London’ I’ll get hundreds of results.
Once I decide what site to give a further check and click on it, I may spend about 3 minutes perusing over their menu, prices, and so on.
After I’ve checked all that’s relevant to me, I’ll click back to the main results on the search engine; my dwell time, in this case, would be 3 minutes. Needless to say, the more the dwell time, the better it is for your business; users spend more time on sites they feel are helpful and relevant to their needs.
If users spend more time on your site, it means that your content is appealing. It means that your content strategy is excellent.
Likewise, if users are clicking on your site and within a few seconds they leave and continue their search; your content strategy needs a complete overhaul.
Here at ClickDo, we are the real pros of advanced content strategies for UK businesses. We help you create the right content so that users won’t want to leave your site in a hurry.
You have to think like the user you’re wooing, and you have to think ahead. Great content helps improve your organic reach because it appeals naturally. It answers the basic what, when, how, and where of a user’s query.
Other advanced strategies that we use include optimising your site to make it friendlier to mobile phone users.
Remember, that the more time a user is spending on your website, the more they are likely to understand your content and respond positively to it. Even Google understands the importance of businesses having a mobile-friendly site.
If the content doesn’t appear relevant to a mobile phone use within the first 5 seconds, then they’ll quickly leave and look for another site.
If your content is good, it’ll lead to increased link building. Link building increases referral traffic to your site and also solidifies your brand authority. Google will respect your site more and give it a higher ranking if they find it authoritative and worthy of citation.
In 2019, you’ll need to embrace a variety of advanced content strategies to help boost your overall performance. It doesn’t matter the type or size of business you’re into, or even how good your services are.
If you fail it at the content level, your online presence is always compromised from the word go. Users don’t owe you a favor, they don’t have to visit your site; but if you have good content nicely displayed, then they can’t resist it. They’ll click.
ClickDo is best placed to help you create the best content for your business site in 2019. We have experience working with all manner of businesses. Our goal is to help you get top ranking and increase traffic to your site, which will ultimately help improve your online visibility.
You can check the guest blogging services page for more details and also check the guest posting websites if you need to get published to increase SEO power for the websites.
Author Profile

- I'm the CEO of ClickDo Ltd. and SeekaHost UK - I help the business grow online with latest SEO services & digital marketing strategies. You can find my guest blogs on the UK business Blog as well as on our my guest blogs on the UK Tech Blog
. More details about me can be found on this page.
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