How content can make or break the outcome of your SEO rankings on Google?

By Fernando BiZ
After all, great content helps you accumulate backlinks, which ultimately helps your SEO ranking. And isn’t that what all business website owners and SEO consultants are after?
I’ve been testing how well written content helps the search engine optimization process. And I must tell you that the results are impressive. If I write a good article and add some images and media content and make it look epic it ranks faster than ever!
However the domain authority is still important and definitely helps SEO. Our ClickDo website gets indexed pretty fast now and everything is picked up on the first page of
I recently did a Facebook Remarketing course page content and book and it has already ranked on the first page of
Ever since Edna Selvanayagam joined ClickDo as the content editor, I have started to write on a daily basis and am gaining more and more experience on how to create better content. My goal is to build the ClickDo brand to a point where we get over 10,000 organic visitors per month from Yes, this is a big target, but now with Edna’s support I see how we can achieve it. Edna is currently working on the EOT Cleaning company website as well as on Arch KBB blogs , so that our premium clients get top notch content populated on the web.
Manuela Willbold has also joined ClickDo as a content strategist and is writing for She is a teacher by profession and SCCD Training management is impressed with the content she has written so far.
For local business websites, having a blog is vital for SEO success. It will take time to achieve the desired ranks, however if done right with a proper strategy the ranks will skyrocket!
I started with my blog back in 2013 and at that time it was so easy to write 1000 words and rank overnight, things are a little different now, but I noticed that when the on page SEO elements are added correctly it certainly helps the ranks rise.
My advice to any local business website owner is to have a great content marketing strategy and to do it consistently for over a year. The results will start to come at you left and right after about 2 years of good work. Now I know this may sound like a long time to work at something… but that’s how a brand is built. With great content you can achieve niche dominating ranks like ClickDo has done in the UK for terms like “SEO Agency In London” and even “SEO Consultant London”
After all, great content helps you accumulate backlinks, which ultimately helps your SEO ranking. And isn’t that what all business website owners and SEO consultants are after?
Get in touch with us or directly contact Edna and Manuela to book a consultation session or to even talk about your website’s content marketing strategy. You have nothing to lose!
Author Profile

- The Founder & CEO of ClickDo Ltd. Writes about digital marketing and SEO for local businesses in International corporation. You can read more on OM HQ blog for more of my writings.
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