Copywriting Formulas Proven To Boost Conversion Rates

Want to know the two tried and true copywriting formulas guaranteed to boost conversion rates that have been used by the copywriting masters for almost a century?
Copywriting Formulas For Growth
You may have the greatest, most valuable, life-changing product or service in the world, but if you don’t know how to sell it then what good is it? How are you going to convince someone that they need what you’re selling? If I asked you to give me an elevator pitch, to sell me something in about one minute, what would you say? Would you be able to adequately get to my emotions and desires to make me feel as if I want it? Unfortunately, our attention span may not even last one whole minute. Copywriting plays a massive part in your digital marketing, if it isn’t good then you’re wasting your time and going nowhere fast.
There are so many useful and valuable products in the world that are being heavily neglected and scrolled over because the words used in their advertising are weak, boring, and lacks any emotion-grabbing content. They lack the words used to make anyone click on a website, click on the call-to-action, buy-in to the sale, and will always be ignored because there is no interests by the reader. If you don’t have good copywriting then your PPC ads, Facebook ads, social media posts, and other parts of your digital marketing strategy will fail and be wasted money and effort.
Good copywriting will persuade people to click on your ad, website, or social media post and then they’ll be enticed to go to your website. After, they’ll see the mind-blowing copywriting and ads on your site and on your sales page, making them feel as if they need your product or service. If they don’t buy, they’ll at least think about it and might come back later. If they don’t buy at all, it’s fine, because that good copywriting brought more people to your site and thus helping with your SEO and website traffic growth.
So, how do you do that? How do you attract people to click on your website, buy that product, and make them talk about it to others? There are two proven copywriting formulas that have been used by the experts for years and are known guarantee higher conversion rates. Want to know them? Read on.
Problem-Agitate-Solve (PAS) Copywriting Formula for Higher Conversions
Imagine in your head that you’re extremely thirsty. It’s hot outside and all you want is a sip of cold, icy water to cool you down. Without it, you’ll become weaker, move slower, become even more tired. But, what if I told you, if you just click on a link, then a glass of water will come directly to you?
This is the the problem-agitate-solve formula of copywriting, or PAS, for short.
It’s a simply formula that can be easily broken down in it’s three letters. Here is how you use it.
- Problem
- Agitate
- Solve
Let’s look further into how to use the PAS formula.
First, you have to know the problems of your potential leads. The better you understand their problems then the better you’ll know how to solve them. This is critical to writing copy that’ll evoke a direct response. Helping people solve problems, raise their emotions, raises their buying temperature, and puts them in the mental space to convert.
The more vividly you create this problem, the more you show that you understand and that you’re relatable. Now, this suddenly doesn’t make you seem like you’re selling to them, it feels like a conversation. And this creates a massive layer of trust.
After stating the problem, you need to provoke. You need to make it more painful, annoying, bothersome, evoke the emotions of “I need something”. This is where you pour the salt on the wound. But don’t make your reader suffer. Help them and offer support.
Here, you fix the problem. You show them how you can solve the problem and you offer them a call-to-action so that problem can be quickly solved.
The Problem-Agitate-Solution Copywriting formula is a great way to relate to your readers and establish trust. It’s a quick type of copywriting that can be used in many medias but especially in direct-response copywriting, sales pages, and social media.
The AIDA Copywriting Formula For A Massive Increase In Conversion Rates
Next, we have the classic (AIDA) copywriting formula that has been used in some of the most famous advertisements. Like, PAS, it can be broken down by it’s letters. Here it is:
- Attention
- Interest
- Desire
- Action
This copywriting formula is known as the “grandpa” of copywriting formulas and strategies. It’s easy to use but extremely effective. Let’s break down the formula step-by-step.
First, you need an attention grabbing headline. You need to make the readers stop and do a double-take. It needs to pop in their minds and make them shift their mind to your ad. How do you do that?
You can use:
- An outstanding image
- A “how to” headline
- A statistic
- Or any other type of eye-catching headline
The main goal of this part is to make the reader want to read the second.
Now that you have their interest, keep it. You must provide the reader with something of value with value and an image that they want to build on. How? You can do this with interesting facts and making the reader use their imagination. Evoke their thoughts and spike their emotions with storytelling and proven facts that they can be experiencing in real life. Make them feel as if their problems can be solved by you. This creates trust and loyalty.
Here is where you showcase your product and its benefits. Paint a picture in their head of what their life can be like with your product or service. Make them feel the relief and the stress-free life that they can experience because what your selling is of incredible value. You can also use testimonials for social proof further pushing the envelope and showing evidence of the value of your product or service.
Now that you have their attention, held their interest and made them desire what you’re selling, you must call them to action. This is where you push your product or service and make them click. How? You can do this in a few ways.
- A clear call to action. (buy now, click here, etc.)
- Use urgency (limited time offer, only 10 left, etc.)
- You bonuses and other types of incentives (buy one get one free, 50% off), etc.)
Bonus Tip For Bigger Conversion Rates – Testimonials
Social proof and having evidence of the value of your product is a major key in selling your product or service. People want what other people want and use. Showing your reader that what you’re selling is being used and works raises even more trust in the potential buyer. Do yourself a favor and throw in a testimonial for good measure. Plus, it’s good for your brand.
These are two proven, tried and true ways of selling any product or service and are guaranteed to raise conversion rates and keep businesses alive. Market research and good copywriting is the heart of any marketing strategy and it’s up to you to increase the level of them. Still curious about ways to increase traffic and boost your conversion rate? Contact ClickDo for a free consultation and let us help you massively sky-rocket your business to a new level of success.
Author Profile

- I'm an expert in copywriting, content marketing, and SEO. I help businesses rank higher in Google searches to help turn website traffic into conversions. Reach out to me to find out how to be ranked 1# in your city's Google search.
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