December Update at ClickDo Ltd. by Michael Dorazil
It’s beginning of December, and it would be a strange beginning of a month if I haven’t got a great plan for it.
I finally warmed up at the ClickDo’s headquarter at Canary Wharf, and I’m ready to start managing my own projects for our clients. As for December, I will be fully responsible for six clients. That means that I will do all the blogging, SEO and all other tricks and technique that I have to learn from my skilled colleagues.
Some of the clients that I will be managing are already on top of Google searches for their targeted keywords, like 69 drops Studio. Which is great Photography studio in central London. And some other projects which have quite a long way to go. However, I and my colleagues at ClickDo’s office do everything that we can, to get them to the number one in Google, till and of the year 2016. in that way, 2017 is going to be the best year for their business, as they will get plenty of new customers from organic Google traffic, and even Bing and Yahoo (if someone is still using those).
The main thing for me now is to organise those projects in a strategic manner, so everything is well documented and up to date. It’s very important to keep the communications with clients going, so they know what steps I am and will be taking in order to get them to the top.
Well, I will update you about my progress, so wish me a good luck and until next time.
Author Profile

- I'm a Digital Marketer and SEO Consultant at ClickDo, who helps business owners in the UK to build thriving businesses online.