Why dentists should consider an SEO training workshop

By Fernando BiZ
There are many benefits why a dentist should consider attending an SEO workshop. There’s the obvious benefit of ranking on Google – more calls, appointment and revenues.
Nearly all of the dentists in the UK have websites and engage in some sort of marketing activities for that website. Sooner or later you can expect to talk to an SEO consultant, even if on very basic levels, to understand the procedure better and see if the consultant can do anything to improve your website.
The reality is, that often times the tips SEO consultants suggest are very basic and the real advanced stuff comes out later, when they get you on a monthly retainer.
So instead of spending money for a general SEO consultant, you might as well attend a workshop and implement the things yourself. An SEO workshop for dentists will also help you to pick the best agency once the time comes for the advanced stuff.
These are the main things you can expect to learn in a workshop and how they will help you.
Google plus pages and other Google products
Setting up a Google plus page and having your business listed to collect reviews on Google Maps is incredibly easy, yet often times dentists find it overwhelming and outsource the task at an overpriced price.
An SEO workshop will show you how to do it yourself, what information to put on the site and the type of contents if you have the time to update it. Workshops usually also cover other free Google products you can utilize to increase the number of calls to your dentistry.
Make the best out of the content you have
It’s no secret, dental health is usually a passion for dentists and if you’re also into writing you should run a blog. Often times, dentists already do this and all that’s necessary is a bit of knowledge on how to optimize these articles to attract visitors from Google.

Even the most basic SEO workshop will cover this and you can expect increased visitors from the search engines by following simple on-page tips.
Learn to interpret results and to use the main tools
SEO workshops will cover setting up, installing and using tools such as Google Analytics and Webmasters tools. This will be crucial when you decide to hire an SEO consultant – you will know how to interpret the results they’re delivering and get the maximum value out of your SEO budget.
A good training will also cover the keyword research aspect of ranking and this will also be crucial when you decide to get serious about ranking on Google.
Google keyword tool reveals the number of searches a month and with other procedures you will have an idea on how tough it is to rank for a specific keyword. This of course reveals if your SEO consultant is overcharging you.
Knowing how to use these tools will come handy even if you don’t go with SEO as your marketing channel – social media and PPC requires the tools too.
Optimize the links and ads you have bought
Remember that advertisement a pushy sales person sold you 3 years ago? It’s likely it’s still online somewhere and if you find it you can e-mail the company and ask them to make slight changes in the link.
A dentist SEO training should cover backlinks, so you will know what changes to ask to make the most of these expenses from the past and the ones you will have in the future.
Also – there are enormous amounts of sites where you can get a free link. Yelp is on of them bu there are many others and the training will tell you about them so that you can create links to your dentist practice website.
Use your day to day activities to increase traffic to your site
On average, people in the West spend 20 minutes a day on Facebook liking, sharing and generally engaging with their acquaintances. All of us running businesses also do other things on regular bases, such as e-mails.
These activities can be used to increase your websites standing on the search results. Share your page on Facebook and make sure it’s in your profile info, then join dentist Facebook groups to engage in them.
Even if people don’t visit your site and call you to book appointments, this will increase what we call “social signals” and will directly help you rank on Google.
Similarly, including the link to your site in the e-mail signature will land some click to the website which in turn will act as a positive sign to Google that people are visiting your site and it will look to put you on top spots for some keywords.
Know what to expect and ask from your web-designer
It’s very likely that you used an outsourced professional to develop your dentistry website. Often times, these professionals have a lot of work and are not really up to date with the latest on-page requirements to rank in the top spots.
An SEO workshop for dentists will cover what you need to know about webdesign, what are the important things and if your site fits the requirements to be positively picked up by Google in their search engine.
You don’t have to do anything yourself in this regard – simply ask your web developer to do these things.
The benefits are obvious
There are many obvious benefits to attending a workshop. Internet is the main marketing channel for small business and services, so it’s good to know the tricks and tactics to implement yourself or hire outsourced help.
Author Profile

- The Founder & CEO of ClickDo Ltd. Writes about digital marketing and SEO for local businesses in International corporation. You can read more on OM HQ blog for more of my writings.
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