Junk Hunters Franchise Rubbish Removal Business Website Launch

By Fernando BiZ
The leading rubbish removal company in London, Junk Hunters website – https://www.junkhunters.co.uk/ was custom designed and developed by Kasun Sameera and the team. It came really nicely and the ideas and guidance of Harsha Rathnayake made this task a great experience for all of us at ClickDo web services.
Kasun designed it mostly when Harsha Rathnayake was on Skype and giving his feedback and how exactly the desktop and mobile versions of the website should be done. FInally, the end product is a great website that’s ready to take over the UK web and help create more jobs in the UK. Harsha Rathnayake is the owner of London Junk Ltd. which is a leading rubbish clearance company in London that also ranks well on Google.co.uk with our SEO services. The London Junk new website should also be up and running. It’s also done by Kasun and will link up to it next.
Below is the custom designed them for Junk Hunters Ltd.
You can see well the design is done, and also the above site appears pretty nicely on all the mobile devices.
We are glad to do such calibre of website design and we believe Junk Hunters Ltd. will help many people in UK with jobs and all their rubbish removal services requirements.
You can see more about Junk Hunters Ltd. on Google.co.uk and how the brand is thriving online.
Author Profile

- The Founder & CEO of ClickDo Ltd. Writes about digital marketing and SEO for local businesses in International corporation. You can read more on OM HQ blog for more of my writings.
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