Learn WordPress free

By Fernando BiZ
WordPress is the leading content management system used as the main webdesign tool.
Learning WordPress is easy, you can certainly do it for free and in fact many of the top web-developers are self thought from free online resources. These are the main resource types to learn WordPress for free:
- YouTube tutorials – you can learn the basics and even beyond on most subjects by simply doing YouTube search queries. When you start to develop with WordPress and have specific issues, try to search on YouTube as well, as people have tutorials for most WordPress problems on YouTube.
- Trials of paid tutorials – There are many tutorial sites, such as Lynda and many others. Some of them are free, like Khan Academy. Most of the paid ones however offer free trial accounts – free access to the contents for a limited number of days. To be sure not to be charged, feel free to use a prepaid card.
- The internet – internet is full of information that can of course be searched on Google. There are however specific sites for WordPress inquiries that essentially let you learn for free. The common ones:
- WordPress support forum
- Stack Overflow
- WordPress Reddit
- Google+ WordPress community
- Sitepoint WordPress
- And many, many more. A rule of thumb – when trying to learn something for free, Google is your best friend. How did you arrive to this page?!
- Free workshops – some companies, that organize paid workshops, will sometimes also provide free shorter versions to promote the paid ones. We do it too at ClickDo as do many other companies.
The best way to start learning WordPress for free is to simply start – get a domain name and hosting, setup a WordPress site and start developing, posting blogs etc. See the plugins listed here for basic functionality. Practice is the best way to learn anything after all.
Author Profile

- The Founder & CEO of ClickDo Ltd. Writes about digital marketing and SEO for local businesses in International corporation. You can read more on OM HQ blog for more of my writings.
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