Online search volumes for 4 major consultancy businesses in the UK

By Fernando BiZ
The business consultancy sector is estimated at 6 billion pounds in the UK alone – it’s a major industry with the outputs demanded by many businesses.
All consultants work with one main concern – their utilization rate. A junior freelance management consultant charging £1,000 a day is a reasonable price for the hiring firm and the consultant, assuming a 25% utilization rate. This would come out to £1,250 per week before taxes – a small yearly salary in the consulting business.
In this article, we aim to understand what industries might potentially offer better utilization rates due to their demand. We look at the online search volumes as an indication of the demand.
The information in this article will also help consultants understand what sort of return on investment they can expect from SEO activities to rank their websites on the top spots on Google.
SEO for business management consulting
One of the most common business consulting forms. The SEO search volumes also reflect this with 4,400 monthly searches.
Important to understand however that the phrase “Business management” is not a direct buyers keyword – it could be business students searching for more information.
The buyer keyword “business management consultant” is searched 70 times a month – indicating that one can expect 30-50 inquiries a month from ranking on the top.
SEO for business strategy
The biggest consulting firms, such as McKinsey and BCG, offer this exact service. And it’s not surprise given the online search results:
While again we see that the top keyword is generic and not really targeted, an entry level firm can expect some inquiries from this keyword. In fact – if one was to rank for all of these keywords, hundreds of inquiries would be expected every single month.
“Business strategy consulting” and related keywords for SEO, are probably the best for online service type of consultancies.
Top search spots for “financial advisory” – goldmine
As the picture reveals, the buyer keyword of “independent financial adviser” is searched 4,400 times a month – a very high number. A firm ranking on top of this keyword could expect a 100% utilization rate and in fact it could likely not provide for all of the demand it would receive. There are also other benefits on being on the top of Google as a financial adviser.
Similar keywords are also seeing loads of search volume on Google:
IT and related services
A very demanded service across the world and the search volumes are not a surprise:
Businesses that provide remote services are likely to really benefit from these search phrases. The problem is that it’s a bit too general and ranking on the top might not give one too many relevant inquiries.
The best SEO strategy for people in IT services would therefore be to have a blog – ask your employees to blog an article a month. Over time your website would become authoritative and with inner page linking strategies attract many visitors to your landing pages for the main services on offer.
Author Profile

- The Founder & CEO of ClickDo Ltd. Writes about digital marketing and SEO for local businesses in International corporation. You can read more on OM HQ blog for more of my writings.
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