How to Optimize as Google-Friendly Content?

By Aslam Saah
A topic between SEO and Google will always revolve around content optimization to make everything perfect. Everybody expects their content to be of high quality, but what does it actually mean? A high-quality content is when it is meaningful and return quality results for a business, when one must do proper keyword research, quality content writing and follow on-page SEO metrics.
How to Create A Quality Content?
A high-quality content will not happen in quick, as there needs some accuracy to bring the best out of it and perform well among the targeted audience. For such things to happen, one can follow the below steps,
- Trending Topics
- Keyword Research
- Competitor Spy
- Content Plan
Trending Topics:
- There always falls trending topics on this earth at every point, figure out what you can bring out of it and utilize it in a right way. A content can be labelled as high quality when it has its quantity.
- Analyze the market and know what the market actually demands its audience, so you can a writer who can give a solution to the market’s requirement.
Keyword Research:
- Use the Google keyword planner tool wisely to decide on which keyword you’re going to target and how potential the target audience is to give back traffic.
- The keyword research must be based on the trending topics, so the end content will be fresh and answerable to new industry questions which you covered in the article.
Competitor Spy:
- Do some research on competitors of your business, so you will get a clear idea of what you can perfect in your process.
- Analyze their website, for what are the keywords they are ranking so far and how potential it can be for your growth in online platforms.
- Go through their website manually and have a read, so you may get a point to set your content level, quality and quantity.
Content Plan:
- As everyone knows, the Google algorithm is smart enough to know whether the content is highly relevant to the search query. So everything you write must be relevant or semi-relevant to the search query, where the semi-relevant covers LSI (Latent Semantic Indexing) keywords.
- So, save your time and put some effort to build a quality content give it to the audience in a single shot.
Author Profile

- Guest blogger and blogger outreach services expert and contributor for UK Tech Blog as a UK Tech Blogger, and one among The Vibrant #1 SEO Team in London. I Also work at SeekaHost as a web hosting services specialist and Guest blogger for SeekaHost UK
My Moto is Keep Pushing - Let The Dam Breaks And Spills Where You Want It To Be!
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