Private SEO training: when is it a good option for your business

By Fernando BiZ
SEO is one of the main channels for online sales and traffic, it’s very desired by many business owners, yet it’s also of course a complex process with its advantages and downsides as well.
In this article we cover the main ways a business can leverage SEO to increase revenues and focus especially on private SEO training as a solution to small business owners in the UK.
Possible ways to rank on top spots on Google
If you have no budget for SEO, there’s an easy do it yourself solution given all the information online about ranking on Google. There are plenty of SEO books as well to pickup some knowledge and start moving the the search engine result pages.
If you have some money to spend but don’t want to hire an SEO agency just yet, you again have plenty of option. There are many online and offline SEO courses to start with. You can always hire an SEO consultant to do one time consulting to help you out with these things.
The other option is of course hiring an SEO agency on a monthly retainer – a pricey process that has it’s downsides if you relay on the sales generated too much and a Google update comes that removes you from the top spots.
Private SEO training – a great option for many small businesses
Private SEO training fits in the workshops and classes group, is an efficient way of tapping into the online demand for your business and is a great way to start with SEO for your business.
Private SEO training differentiates from a simple SEO workshop by the fact that it’s tailored to your business and website, its basically an interactive one-time SEO consulting. The teacher will use your site to show you what’s good about it and what you can improve. This will be followed by actual instructions – that you can implement on your own and daily procedures to increase the Google rankings.
This option is perfect if you have some understanding of the benefits of SEO and you’re confident it can help your business, yet you’re not ready to commit to the monthly expenses a proper SEO agency would charge.
Almost all SEO agencies will offer a service like this – we do also. Prices varies between £250 – £500 for a days one-to-one workshop. If you’re undecided between doing SEO yourself or hiring an agency, consider calling up any agency and ask for a free 1 hour session over Skype. Most agencies will be OK to give you this, given a chance to score you as a client on a monthly retainer.
ClickDo private SEO training’s
We’re an established SEO agency located in Canary Wharf London. We know our game and are always happy to share the knowledge to our clients. Give us a call and lets talk if we can do anything for you.
Author Profile

- The Founder & CEO of ClickDo Ltd. Writes about digital marketing and SEO for local businesses in International corporation. You can read more on OM HQ blog for more of my writings.
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