Why I Chose A SEO Career Early Instead Of University

By Toby May
I first discovered about SEO not very long ago. It all first started when I was learning about and selling Amazon products online which is one of my many hobbies. I was learning about how to rank high up on Amazon, and ended up learning some neat tricks to rank higher and learnt a lot on how Amazon’s algorithm works, which not many people know about as well. From there I also learnt about email lists, landing page funnels, marketing on social media platforms and pay per click advertising as well. Before I knew it, I was actually doing digital marketing myself. I really enjoyed learning about it and found it fascinating on how Algorithms work. I then made a later discovery that Google works in a similar way. It was then I realised that this is what I want to do as a career path. I know I will look forward to learning all about the ins and outs of SEO in the future with the rest of the digital marketers out there as well.
Don’t Be Afraid Of The 80-20 Rule With SEO.
Sometimes the situation is not picture perfect. However, I think going out into the real world and jumping strait into the deep end can still be a great way to learn, and that’s exactly what I did with my SEO career. I had the option of going to University for 3 years, where I’m sure I could have learnt a lot about SEO. Or I could get my hands dirty strait away in an SEO Job where I may not know the exact details of everything, but would adapt and learn a lot on a real SEO Job. The second option is what I chose. I felt that going to a top digital marketing agency was the best path for me and it may be for you as well. The opportunities are out there, you just need to find them and be willing to do whatever it takes!
Why SEO Has More Benefits Than Other Jobs
· First of all, SEO is not something that you technically need to go to university for. So if you want you don’t have to wait another 3 years to get to where you want. There are many parts of SEO that can be self-taught. So as long as you’re willing to work hard and learn the SEO game properly, you can go a long way in this industry.
· It’s also a never ending process. SEO is defiantly not something you will get bored with anytime soon as there is so much to learn with SEO and the constant changes with algorithm will defiantly keep you on your toes as it’s always changing. There is always something new to learn.
· Your helping others. I think being in the SEO industry is great if you want to give back and provide value to the world by helping others achieve certain goals they may have. Which is defiantly not something all jobs can do.
· SEO is the future! SEO is defiantly not something that will be dead anytime soon. According to Google the SEO industry is worth a staggering 65 billion! The numbers will defiantly not be going down anytime soon and the SEO skills you learn now will be worth much more in the future.
University Is Great But…
At University you can learn a lot about SEO. On the other hand, it may not be for you as there are definitely certain skills you will learn just jumping into a real SEO job that University just can’t teach you.
Author Profile
- I'm a Digital Marketer, who helps business owners in UK to build thriving businesses online.
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