Web design training

By Fernando BiZ
Web design is one of the most demanded skills that people want to learn. The reasons why people want to undergo web design training are different, but it comes down to the fact that we interact with the internet daily and understand that knowing this skills gives us a voice over the internet too.
The skill is learned by people that want to start their own blog, small business owners and business executives. Often times, business owners don’t have the time to make their own websites, but the web design training they underwent helps them pick the best web developers to hire.
The modern world of web design
Web design is no longer done by pure HTML code or working to develop designs from the scratch. Unless you’re a very experienced web designer and want to have full flexibility over the outputs. Most people, including professionals, use WordPress or similar content management systems, although WordPress is the most popular one by a mile.
WordPress has the flexibility to function as a simple blog and manage your contents with an incredible ease, but on the other hand, WordPress is flexible enough to create amazing functionality out of the websites.
How to learn
When it comes to actually learning, it’s easy to learn WordPress and web design:
- There are numerous online courses
- The web is full of articles and training guides
- Coding classes are as common as bottled water
- See WordPress training by ClickDo
After some initial knowledge, the training itself is very straight forward – you apply the knowledge by developing simple pages and websites.
You might also want to consider learning photo shop or a similar graphics software. Combine it with basic understanding of user interface, WordPress skills and you should be able to design word class websites.
Practice makes perfect
As with everything, practicing makes perfect and learning by practice is the best way of learning. For this reason, attending a workshop might be your best option. As mentioned before, there are many of them in most major cities in London.
ClickDo also offers its own web design training course, we utilize WordPress to teach you how to design simple yet powerful word class websites. The good news with live training is that you can ask questions – dive in as deep as you want in the technicalities.
The reason why workshops are so perfect for any kind of training, is the fact that you can expect to have basic knowledge after and apply it to your own small projects to nurture the skills.
Author Profile

- The Founder & CEO of ClickDo Ltd. Writes about digital marketing and SEO for local businesses in International corporation. You can read more on OM HQ blog for more of my writings.
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