WordPress training courses: what to expect and look for

By Fernando BiZ
WordPress is becoming one of the main web development platforms for people across the sector – beginners, hobbyist bloggers and professionals. Some of the leading online media brands are ran on WordPress.
This has created an enormous demand for WordPress training courses and there are numerous of them available online. ClickDo offers some too.
Types of WordPress training’s
There are online and offline training’s, as well as books, tutorials etc. We have covered these on similar topics before in our blog:
- Private SEO training: when is it a good option for your business
- Choosing between online course or workshop
- SEO training: recommended books to rank on Google
To choose between the options of available WordPress training’s, one has to understand the exact goals from the training. Purely understanding the basics to then start working and practicing on a few projects – few online tutorials might be the best.
If you want to have a solid basic knowledge to communicate better with your web developer or make simple adjustments to your page, without the desire to go advanced, a live workshop is a great option.
WordPress training course pricing
A simple Google search term will reveal that there are many courses and the prices differ between £95 – £495 for a one day course. Things to keep in mind when comparing prices:
- Prices include cost of acquisition – PPC’s on some terms goes up to $2.50 per a click and this is reflected in the course prices.
- Brand name reflects the price – well known SEO agencies have an existing customer base, often times big corporate clients. They’re able to sell their courses to the existing base at a premium price due to the goodwill they have created.
- Corporate vs individuals – this is the biggest differentiation in prices and also in the contents you will receive. Don’t expect a bunch of executives, sent by their corporate employer at the end of the quarter to fit budget needs, to be highly enthusiastic and ask a lot of questions.
What you can really expect to learn
To answer this, we have grouped the courses into three groups:
The basics
Basic WordPress training course should cover:
- Installing WordPress by the web-hosting panel and FTP
- Maneuvering in WordPress – adding pictures, posts, pages, categories and managing these contents
- Finding and selecting WordPress themes
- The basics of using plugins
- Blog navigation with menus
Intermediate courses
Intermediate training courses should cover:
- Content scheduling
- Going beyond basic plugin functionality and integrating payment systems, contact forms and advanced social media plugins
- Custom 404 error pages
- Custom area widgets
- E-mail collection
- Creating different users for your site
- Setting up Child Themes
Advanced WordPress training
An advanced WordPress training will cover:
- Customizing themes to fit your requirements
- Basic PHP training to change and adjust functionality withing WordPress websites
- WordPress website backups
- W3 cache settings
- Increasing website loading times by WP supper Cache
- Frameworks to work with WordPress from scratch
WordPress is here to stay
It’s clear that WordPress, the internet and technology is here to stay and carry on the expansion – so if your job is affected by this new wave of technology, you will need these skills sooner or later and you can’t really go wrong with knowing at least the basics of WordPress.
Author Profile

- The Founder & CEO of ClickDo Ltd. Writes about digital marketing and SEO for local businesses in International corporation. You can read more on OM HQ blog for more of my writings.
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