How to Make Money with Reseller Hosting Services

Learn to earn money as a web hosting services reseller in the UK
Would you like to know how you can earn money from reselling SeekaHost web hosting services in the UK for business owners?
And many of your might ask can you make money with reseller hosting? So we decided to write the guide to making money with reseller hosting services. There are so many companies that offers hosting and SeekaHost Ltd. is the leading business hosting services company in the UK. You can Google search for “business hosting uk” and SeekaHost ranks #1 on Google.
SeekaHost is the #1 business hosting provider in the UK and you can Google for “business hosting UK” and see us at the top of
There is a reason why Goole places us at #1 so fast since launching our London server hosting services for London based business owners to get the optimal performance for their business websites.
In this article I will share with you can earn online as a reseller hosting provider or even start your own web hosting services business in the UK or anywhere in the world.
The web hosting services business is very profitable however it’s hard to manage. The technical issues and running the server is a headache if you do not have the technical knowledge and manpower.
SeekaHost will take care of that all and you can take while label hosting services from SeekaHost and sell to your clients.
Why start a reseller hosting business and earn online?

With over one billion websites currently active on the internet, web hosting has become a necessity. Web hosting is a process through which your site is hosted by a data server so as to be visible to the world. Through the increased demand for hosting services, a new business venture has emerged. Reseller hosting services.
Reseller web hosting is a host product in which an administrator is allocated a dedicated specific server with assorted resources. The reseller then creates shared hosting accounts to rent out to their clients. You as a reseller will act as a hosting company to your clients who require lower disk spaces and bandwidth.
Before we devolve into steps to establishing a reseller hosting company, let’s look at the benefits of reseller hosting.
- You act as a one-stop point for your clients for all their server resource needs. (web development and hosting.)
- You benefit from plan bonuses such as white labeling leading to more conversions.
- You are able to customize your own packages to suit your clients.
- You don’t have to worry about server maintenance as that is done by the hosting company.
Here are the steps to creating a successful Reseller hosting company
Choose a good hosting company.
It is vital that you do your due diligence and research to find the perfect hosting provider. The provider should be able to meet your needs and have excellent technical support services.
Purchase your reseller package.
There are various reseller packages offered by hosting companies. Make sure you compare the various bandwidths and storages available in different packages. Then make the selection for your reseller business.
Fully understand your target clients.
It is important to learn about your target customers and their respective needs. It will prove vital in creating the perfect packages for them.
Plan your own packages.
After the purchase, you can then create amazing packages for your clients. You can then display the packages on your website and begin to market them. The success of the reseller venture will be based on your ability to market your business effectively.
Establish your customer support system.
You then decide on the best method to handle customer support for the hosting service you are offering. Around the clock technical support through the phone is preferable. You may also opt to outsource the work to a reputable freelancing company with the capacity and know-how on web hosting.
Select your preferred payment processing system.
Finally, you get to decide the different payment systems for your services. You may opt for Internet-based options with a link to a bank merchant. Ensure the system is able to process different credit cards and also support monthly billings.
Before rushing into your new money-minting venture, here are some tips to successful reseller hosting;
Pick the right hosting plan as your reputation is dependent on the hosting company service.
- Provide excellent customer service
- Ensure security for your client’s data as well as the reliability of the hosting plan in terms of uptime.
Do you find these tips helpful for you? Get in touch with us or you can start your reseller hosting business by buying reseller hosting at SeekaHost Ltd.
Author Profile

- I'm the CEO of ClickDo Ltd. and SeekaHost UK - I help the business grow online with latest SEO services & digital marketing strategies. You can find my guest blogs on the UK business Blog as well as on our my guest blogs on the UK Tech Blog
. More details about me can be found on this page.
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