9 Social Media Commandments That You Need To Know In 2017

By Safa Ahmed
Influencing the power of content and social media marketing can attract and uplift your audience and customers in a great way. However, starting without any prior knowledge or understanding could be difficult.
Its important that you know the social media marketing basics. From making the most of quality to growing your online entry points, following these 10 rules will help you!
If you listen more and talk less, you will soon notice what you actually can achieve with social media. Read your target audience’s online posts and content and join in on topics and to learn what is important to them. It is only then you can make content and influence discussions that add value rather than clutter to their lives.
It is far better to concentrate on something rather than being an ‘all-rounder’. A highly-specialised social media and content marketing plan proposed to create a strong brand has a higher chance for success than a wide ranging vague plan that tries to be all things to all customers
Quality outdoes quantity every time. Its far better to have 1000 followers who read, repost, and discuss your content with their own followers than 10,000 followers who leave after connecting with you online once.
Social media and content marketing victories do not simply happen overnight. You will need to pledge yourself to tasks and long term results to attain accomplishments
Research I to who is the online influence in your market who have good audiences and will be attracted in your product, services, and company. Link to those people and strive to create connections with them
It is unwise to spend all your time online trying to sell your products and services as people will eventually not pay attention. Its better to add quality to the talk. Focusing less on conversions and more on generating great content and creating relationships with online influencers. Soon those people will become a strong catalyst for word-of-mouth marketing for your company.
Creating relationships is a very important part of social media marketing success, so always interact with every person who reaches out to you.
Make sure you post your content and stay accessible, don’t vanish after. Stay accessible to your audience. That means you need to consistently publish content and participate in conversations. Followers online can be fickle and they won’t hesitate to replace you if you disappear for weeks or months.
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- I'm currently a social media intern at ClickDo and having lots of fun as well as learning new skills everyday, sharing these with you by making cool videos or informative blogs 🙂
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