How Blogging Helped Me Build A Personal Brand Online

By Fernando BiZ
As I’ve mentioned before, I started to blog back in 2013 on my first blog
Since then I focused on writing about things that resonated with me. What I want to be, who I am as a person and what I wanted others to know about me.
So now I’m the #1 SEO Consultant in London and you can read the story at
Blogging made people find me online. I made so many connections.
Logesh found me through my blogging and from articles that I shared on Facebook.
Joey Perera who worked with us for over 2 years found me through …
Over 10,000 people found me online because I was blogging and sharing the content on Facebook and Twitter.
So basically blogging helped me build a subtle personal brand.
What is personal branding?
You may wonder what personal branding is and what it entails. A personal brand is a process of marketing yourself as a brand. Basically positioning your name, and stating who you are among others. What comes to mind when they remember you. A personal brand reflects the way people remember you.
So working on building a personal brand and making it interesting will make you more desirable in a competitive market, especially in the digital marketing world.
Now if you are a business owner, your personal brand could get you new clients; if you’re an employee, it might land you a better job someday. Same goes for freelancers… As a business owner, building my personal brand seriously shaped the outcome of my business.
Blogging allowed me to communicate my thoughts, knowledge and experiences to the outside world and it helped me empower others in the process.
I strongly encourage everyone to start a blog in 2018, if you haven’t already.
I’ve already shown you “how to start a blog and do SEO for it step by step” it reveals everything you need to know about how to start a blog and build your brand.
The last thing you want is to regret not creating a personal online platform when the digital economy is at its peak.
What you should keep in mind when starting a blog to build your personal brand?
Pick the niche you want to be good at and want to be known as an authority in. In my case ,I wanted to be the SEO guy everyone knows. I’m skilled in SEO, so I wrote about SEO and digital marketing.
Writing about what I’m good at and I wanted to be really good at, helped me easily position my voice via my content. And now when I write my blogs, it’s easier for me to talk about the subjects that fascinate me because I’ve gained credibility.
Write daily or 3-4 times a week to begin with, because you want to become a content producing machine. Of course, your content has to be good. Keep in mind that Google loves it when you produce content consistently.
Try out guest blogging. That’s blogging on other people’s blogs so that their readers recognise you. This will soon bring traffic to your own blog.
**This is something that I’ve not done yet… definitely planning to do it this year though!
For more ideas, read: Key Strategies for Using Blogging to Build Personal Brand or
26 Tips for Creating a Powerful Personal Brand Online by Jeff Bullas
Author Profile

- The Founder & CEO of ClickDo Ltd. Writes about digital marketing and SEO for local businesses in International corporation. You can read more on OM HQ blog for more of my writings.
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