Best SEO Course Online for Beginners and Experts 2019

By Zukais
Are you looking for the best SEO course for beginners online?
Well, you’ve come to the right place.
I remember when I first got into SEO…
…it was so overwhelming.
Not knowing where to start and how to do anything.
All I knew was I wanted to make money and SEO could get me there.
I simply had the drive to get stuff done and it was tough learning SEO all by myself.
In this post, I’ll be revealing why SEO Blueprint is the best SEO course online.
Covering things SEOs completely miss
Copywriting is writing to sell.
I can’t tell you the number of websites I’ve come across that are ranked on the top positions of Google…
…but their selling sucks.
By creating a persuasive copy, your conversions will go through the roof.
This is something that even the best SEOs’ don’t understand.
Sure, you’ll make some money depending on the keywords you rank for, but a good copy can 100X those results.
The quick way to choose a niche
If you want a successful SEO campaign, you need to specialize in a niche…
…but which one?
So many people spend months just choosing a niche when they should be concentrating on more important things.
This is something that can really choke your progress.
Picking the right niche for you is important.
When picking a niche it needs to be something you have knowledge of and needs to be profitable.
You can be completely sucked into this process and end-up delaying your site completely or you could choose a bad niche.
A bad niche is something that you don’t have much knowledge in, don’t enjoy creating content around it and unprofitable.
Picking a bad niche is disastrous because you’ll be working on a dead business and you won’t even know it!
In the SEO Blueprint, we have come up with a little system that allows you to come up with a bunch of successful niches in a few minutes.
This system is something that the ClickDo SEO experts have created just for you.
Keyword research
Keyword research is critical to the success of your SEO campaign.
Keyword research allows you to pinpoint what users are searching for.
For example, someone could be typing “best golf balls for kids”, that’s a keyword.
But how do you know what people are typing into Google without guessing?
That’s where keyword research comes in.
In the SEO Blueprint, we show you the most effective keyword research methods and…
…untapped keyword research strategies that few people know about.
User experience
User experience is the key to ranking first on Google.
You could argue that user experience is the most important ranking factor.
If your user experience is lacking then you won’t rank on Google, it’s as simple as that.
The whole point of Google is to serve users and that’s what you need to do.
You need to cater to the user’s search intent.
We teach you exactly how to give the user exactly what they want and in the best way possible.
The SEO Blueprint shows you how to keep users on your website the best way possible.
It shows you how to increase website speed without knowing any programming.
This SEO course is the best out there for beginners, there’s nothing on there that you won’t be able to do.
Everything in the course is explained step-by-step in a video format and…
…if you didn’t understand the video and want a better understanding of what was said…
…there’s an article to explain what each video went through.
Your Grandma could do it!
Affiliate SEO, E-commerce SEO, Local SEO and YouTube SEO
This course goes over every type of SEO you will ever use.
Including affiliate SEO, E-commerce SEO, local SEO and YouTube SEO.
Affiliate SEO
Ever heard of affiliate marketing?
To put it simply: Affiliate marketing is selling someone else’s products and you get a percentage from that sale.
Affiliate marketing is one of my favourite ways to make money online because it’s a passive income stream.
In the SEO Blueprint, we show you exactly how to find and rank affiliate products on the first page of Google.
It really is a beautiful thing.
I wake up every day to see how much money I earned in my sleep.
The other day it was $60, it was pretty fun…
…I could sleep and earn money.
E-commerce SEO
Do you own an e-commerce store?
Do you work on Shopify?
Well, you’re in luck.
You see, many people spend a lot of money on Google ads and Facebook ads but ignore SEO.
This completely blows my mind.
SEO is a 100% FREE traffic source and it’s consistent in bringing in traffic.
Paid ads, on the other hand, can be expensive and will completely shut down your traffic when you stop the ad.
The SEO Blueprint shows you exactly how to rank your E-commerce stores.
It’s a beautiful thing.
Local SEO
Do you want to rank local businesses?
How about rank your own business on Google?
We show you exactly how to do that inside the SEO Blueprint.
It doesn’t matter if you want to rank electricians, plumbers, barbers, dentists or any other business.
We show you everything about ranking local businesses.
By learning this skill alone, you can create a successful business.
SEO is a valuable skill that not many people have.
YouTube SEO
YouTube is currently the second biggest search engine and I believe it will eventually be the biggest search engine.
Because video is becoming the main way we consume content.
Not through written words but content.
This doesn’t mean no one will read articles…
…there will always be plenty of people that read articles.
More people will be watching videos, more specifically YouTube videos.
Since that’s the main place where people watch videos.
So understanding how to drive traffic to your YouTube videos is extremely important.
By knowing YouTube SEO, you won’t have a problem getting views and subscribers.
Correctly structuring your site
Correctly structuring your site is one of the most underrated ways to rank on Google.
We show you how to actually purchase a domain and set up the hosting.
We reveal what’s necessary to buy and not to buy when purchasing a new domain.
The SEO Blueprint reveals how to optimize WordPress for the best user experience and search engine optimization.
We’ve created criteria when it comes to picking a WordPress theme. We show what should look for in a theme and what’s considered a bad theme for your site.
In the best SEO Course, we reveal the best plugins for your site that will help you rank on Google and engage your audience.
You see, having a lot of plugins can be bad for your site because it adds a lot of bloatware and slows your site down.
If you get the plugins we tell you to get…
…you won’t really need another plugin.
You’ll have everything you need to rank on Google.
By correctly structuring your website, you’ll have an easier time ranking and banking $$$.
Fatal mistakes you will make on your SEO journey
On your SEO journey, you’re going to be making mistakes…
…this is inevitable.
Some mistakes will be minor and some will be major!
The SEO Blueprint will reveal these fatal mistakes and you’ll be able to see them and best of all…
…avoid them.
If you make these fatal mistakes…
…it could set your SEO career back many years.
Don’t let that happen!
As I’m writing this, I genuinely wish there was a course out there like the SEO Blueprint.
I would be so much further in my career.
If you’re serious about ranking on Google and making money, the SEO Blueprint is something you must get.
This is truly the best SEO course online.
11 common SEO myths
In the SEO Blueprint, we reveal the most common SEO myths.
Some of these myths are unknown to even the experts and it goes under everyone’s nose.
We expose these SEO myths and teach you how to avoid them.
The myths I covered in the SEO Blueprint, are myths I believed in. I thought they were real.
And do you know what happened because if it…
…my SEO massively suffered and I paid for it dearly with money and an insane amount of time.
Please avoid these mistakes if you want to succeed in search engine optimization.
How to take your business to the next level
We teach you how to grow your business by learning how to outsource effectively.
When your business gets to a certain level whether you’re doing local, e-commerce or affiliate SEO…
…you will need people to help you.
We show you what to look out for when hiring someone and what you should look for when hiring.
We show you how to create a process where your workers can go and know what to do without having to ask you any questions.
There are many places you can hire online and we reveal to you the high-quality platforms.
Overall, the SEO Blueprint shows you how to outsource effectively and efficiently.
So those were the reasons why the SEO Blueprint is the best SEO course online for beginners and even the experts.
Experts don’t know everything ;).
Everything you need to know about ranking number 1 on Google and making money is covered in the SEO Blueprint.
It’s laid out in a step-by-step format. You can’t go wrong in this course.
This course was made to take a complete beginner of internet marketing and take them to an expert level.
If you just about understand how to use a computer, you will understand what’s in this course.
We really have made it that simple to understand.
Make sure you get the SEO Blueprint.
You won’t regret it.
Author Profile

- I'm an SEO Consultant and expert in SEO. I help businesses rank their pages in Google, bringing them new leads, customers and ultimately, I help grow businesses with ClickDo Ltd, one of the most highly rated marketing agencies in London. I'm notoriously known as the SEO who squishes the competition when paired with a business owner who's serious about his SEO because I build some of the most high authority backlinks a person can get their hands on. I also like adding some heat in the Google results pages by having a robust Google Adwords campaign running.
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