Creative branding: why London businesses need to build an online brand

Every business in London should build an online brand. Colour scheme, logo, text, slogans and ethos all help to form a brand, as well as many other factors. A brand is your professional identifier and is an extremely powerful marketing tool.
What is creative branding?
- Creative branding is an umbrella term for the art created to present a business or person to consumers as its corporate image.
- Branding involves creating something that is captivating, appropriate and distinctive.
- As it can be considered an art, creative branding is very subjective, meaning there’s no right or wrong way to do it as it depends on your niche and audience.
- You have to distinguish yourself from competitors and think outside the box, otherwise you could be accused of copying which can be easily done when creating a brand.
- A logo is your business in its simplest form as an image or mark.
Why your business needs to build a brand online
- If done well, creative branding can transform your brand to be easily remembered and people will know your business/ product from a single word or logo.
- For example, if your business is more conservative and formal then consider this in the font, colours and logo you use, and conversely if your business is beauty based then this needs to be reflected in your branding.
- These will make it appropriate and easily remembered.
- Your brand is the visual and emotional aspect of your business that connects with the consumer and consumers can become very loyal to a brand and what it encompasses.
The power of creative branding
- A classic example of creative branding done well is the Mcdonalds ‘golden M’, it’s slogan and its theme tune.
- Anywhere in the world when you see the ‘golden M’ from afar you know it’s a Mcdonalds, before you even see the building.
- We all know the ‘white apple with a bite at the top’ represents the IT company, Apple.
- The ‘white apple’ is of course appropriate for the company name and it is simple, white and modern to mimic the design of Apple products.
- Kleenex, the tissue company are another great example of creative branding done well.
- Now, mostly in America, when someone asks for a Kleenex, everyone knows it means a tissue.
- These are examples of powerful branding; where an unrelated word/term becomes synonymous with the product, or the branding is very appropriate and distinctive to the company name, and is remembered by many.
Every business needs its own corporate image to be memorable. ClickDo Ltd have already mastered creative branding as well as no. 1 rankings on SERPs. Branding and creative agencies have the knowledge to create an exceptional brand, however as businesses they too need to rank well on SERPs to generate leads. Creative branding, SEO and digital marketing are all best used together to meet business goals online.
Author Profile

- I'm a digitally inspired, e-Business professional. I write about digital marketing, social media and how psychology impacts modern day online buying behaviours and how people do business on the web.