How digital marketing can help Universities in UK

Universities need to attract the brightest students from the UK and abroad, and donations from the public. There are many great institutions in the UK that students can choose to study at, so your university should be easily accessible online and deliver information in the most convenient way. Digital marketing can help your university be brought to the attention of more students and obtain more funding for research. SEO experts at an SEO agency will have the knowledge and experience to put your digital marketing plans into effect.
Why do you need digital marketing?
- Students want to find out more about courses, facilities, departments, social activities, your location and fees so having many digital assets linked to all aspects of university life will be greatly informative for prospective students.
- Having digital assets will help universities attract the best international and home students who perhaps can’t visit the campus as much as they’d like.
- Your online presence could help determine if they choose your university to study at.
How can digital marketing help your university?
- Thousands of searches are made every month for universities in London, and similar terms such as top universities in UK, so it’s crucial to rank highly on search engines like google to get some of that traffic to your university site.
- Even if you attract just 1% of the search volumes to your site then that it is a big win and boost for your university, and can potentially lead to more students enrolling.
This graph from google adwords shows how many times on average people are searching for universities in the UK and London each month.
- The University home page must be bright and attractive with lots of images of the campus grounds, building and the city or town.
- The site must also be fast to reduce frustration from visitors and rank better with google.
- Showcase current research projects happening at your university on your site. The public, academics and the media may be interested in writing about your research or may want to donate towards it.
- Each department should have sites with clear information on each of their courses including what is involved, how to apply, course fees and contact details for the admissions teams.
- Stay connected with Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and other social media platforms. It’s important to update your social media at least every day.
- Post about public lectures, university news, student nights and events such as careers fairs, graduation ceremonies and open days.
- A YouTube page can be a fun way to connect by showing tours of the campus and accommodation, videos on exam and revision tips and student testimonials on student life.
- Students and parents can contact your departments through these platforms too for quick information, and others can view it too. This can reduce your email load from repeated enquiries making your departments more time-efficient.
- Additionally, a university online shop will help bring in revenue for the university and help students to feel equipped for the start of a new semester where they can buy everything from books, university jumpers and even pots and pans. Alumni will also appreciate the chance to buy university memorabilia from the online shop too.
These digital assets will all help your university to be highly visible on search engine, display its best image to the world and, fundamentally, attract students and funding. With the help of a London SEO agency your university can gain a strong online presence. Contact us and arrange a meeting with one of our SEO consultants for more information on digital marketing.
Author Profile

- I'm a digitally inspired, e-Business professional. I write about digital marketing, social media and how psychology impacts modern day online buying behaviours and how people do business on the web.