How current digital trends will affect future of SEO

What gives technology its power is the romanticism of science fiction becoming reality. Current technology today was merely fantasy and ideas, seen in science fiction films. Unlike books and films which still remain very in the mind, technology however is the epitome of human imagination becoming tangible. Current digital trends show the same pattern of fiction becoming reality. SEO and digital marketing need to adapt to accommodate new technology as it become more popular.
Wearable technology
Wearables have been available for a while now, but they will really gain traction this year. The apple watch was released last year and competitors were released too like Samsung gear. We’ve seen in-ear fertility tacking being discussed more.
Smart glasses were introduced by Google glass, and isn’t being continued for now, but it’s been predicted that in the next decade smart glasses will overtake smartphones! Some predict 1 billion will be sold by 2020!
Activity trackers have been upgraded to suit the times; FitBit is extremely popular right now for its stylish, light band tracking how much walking we do, as we live more sedentary lives.
Wearables are gaining attention because they are modern, futuristic and show our progress in technology. Some wearables will have the same features of a smartphone, so content will need to be accessible on these devices.
Intelligent personal assistants
Using your voice, you can command for help from your own digital assistant, like Siri, Cortana, Google Now. The digital assistant can organise your schedule, set reminders, tell you a joke etc. They can also search the internet for you. Digital assistants have already been dramatized in Hollywood films but with super AI intelligence like Jarvis in ‘Iron Man’ and ‘Her’ starring Joaquin Phoenix. Their aim is to make our lives quicker and convenient.
It has been argued that apps will replace mobile-optimised content. Businesses are realising that having an app is ideal for customer satisfaction. Rather than going into a search engine, an app is more convenient to your immediate needs. Most online pages will now ask if you’d like to download their app instead for a better experience.
Content on websites will need to be linked to the app, as currently search engines can’t search within a stand-alone app. However, Google has begun to index app content so it can show up in search results using mobile app indexing API. For now, apps need matching online content, that is optimised, to be recognised in search algorithms.
How will they affect SEO in future?
- More ‘humanised’ search algorithms that can understand our colloquial speech more easily
- Content will need to be compatible for new wearable technology that can search online.
- App indexing and deep links are argued to be the future of SEO. Apps don’t use hyperlinks to connect content, so an alternative method was needed for Google to discover content within an app. On a basic level, it works by developers telling Google where to find content in the app and the URL that it is linked to for a webpage. Google doesn’t actually discover or analzye through the app yet, right now it just optimises the title and description.
- Today, app optimising is more about optimising the webpage it is linked to. In future, it’s expected that Google could rank app data and this could emerge as a new area of SEO.
New technology and trends keeps SEO and digital marketing exciting and relevant.
Author Profile

- I'm a digitally inspired, e-Business professional. I write about digital marketing, social media and how psychology impacts modern day online buying behaviours and how people do business on the web.