Decide on the Old Content in Your Website

By Aslam Saah
The possibilities of the content getting outdated happen on every site over a particular period of time. The reasons can be varied since every field moving towards the uphill for betterment. Every website owner has to decide on whether to update the old content or delete it since it doesn’t show any value to the website or the visitors. Here, we had given some solution on how can you decide on the old contents of your website.
Tweak the old content to present data:
There can be a content which is slightly old when compared to the current data, you can update them with the present data to show that the article meets users expectation. You have to constantly update the content to keep it relevant to the original statement. In some cases, you can merge the articles where some parts of each article are relevant and others are outdated. Make sure you have redirected this the new content to avoid broken link error. It’s all about keeping up with the original standard of the particular topic.
Decide on Irrelevant Old Content:
Every website will have a set of old contents that are not relevant to the latest standard and you no need that anymore. Take some wise action on such type of content, where most deleting it makes some sense. For instances, there can be an article for an event, old information of any particular product, an article with respect to previous year, or any information that differs from the recent statements. It includes thin content as well, where if you think that is valid add to another relevant content and redirect or else delete it.
The process is simple,
- Decide on the old content whether to delete or cut and add it to relevant content.
- In both the content, if you find there is a substitute page/post for it, the gently redirect it.
- It avoids the broken link errors.
- If you find there isn’t any substitute page, then leave it as 404 error page.
Here, you can play a tricky role in selecting between 404 and 410. 404 will suggest the user and Searchbot that the page/post is not found, whereas the 410 will suggest that the page/post is completely gone and no longer exist or return back to the website’ live status.
Author Profile

- Guest blogger and blogger outreach services expert and contributor for UK Tech Blog as a UK Tech Blogger, and one among The Vibrant #1 SEO Team in London. I Also work at SeekaHost as a web hosting services specialist and Guest blogger for SeekaHost UK
My Moto is Keep Pushing - Let The Dam Breaks And Spills Where You Want It To Be!
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