FREE Quick Backlinks You Can Easily get Right Now in 2018

By Zukais
So you’re looking for some free quick Backlinks you can get right now.
Well, you’ve come to the right place.
I’ve created this post to be an ultimate resource guide for getting quick backlinks for free.
Social media
Social media backlinks are important because it shows Google you’re a real website.
You see, thousands of websites are made every day and most of them are just spam.
By creating social media profiles and linking back to your site, you’re showing Google that you’re a real website.
This will also help you get out of the Google sandbox much quicker.
If you don’t know what the Google sandbox is, it’s where Google refuses to rank your site for up to 6 months and you have to prove that your website is valuable.
Facebook page
Although you can’t get a lot of organic reach on Facebook, a link from them is still worth it.
Go ahead and create your Facebook page, it’s simpler than you think.
Next, go to the “About” page and leave your link there.
You can leave a link in the button but you may want to use that for something else.
Twitter profile
This is a super easy way to get a highly-quality social link.
Just sign up to twitter and insert a link back to your homepage.
It couldn’t be easier.
Instagram page
Another super easy link that will take you a couple of minutes to get.
Go ahead and sign up for Instagram. Go to the “Edit Profile” tab and insert your link.
Google plus is a special link because it comes from Google’s domain.
Make sure you have a Gmail account and then go to your Google+ profile.
Next, go to the “About” page and insert a link back to your homepage.
Create a Pinterest profile and go to the settings section.
Here, you will be able to leave a link back to your site.
And now you’ve got another high-quality social link in a couple of minutes.
Sign up for Tumblr and head over to your dashboard/profile.
Next, click on the “Edit Appearance” tab on the top right.
Here, you will be able to insert your link in the description.
Sign up to Linkedin and insert a link back to your homepage.
Linkedin is another high-quality social link.
Even if Linkedin isn’t relevant to your business, it’s good to have it there in your backlink profile.
YouTube channel
YouTube is another super high-quality link since YouTube is owned by Google.
Make sure to sign up to Gmail and create your YouTube channel.
Go to your YouTube channel and click on the “About” page.
Here, you will be able to insert a link back to your homepage.
I also like leaving links in the descriptions of my videos.
Branded web 2.0s
Web 2.0s are subdomains. They allow you to create a free website.
For example, your domain could be but a subdomain would be
They’re free to create and are high in authority.
The most effective way to use branded web 2.0s is by publishing the same content on there as your original website.
However, you will need to leave a link back to your site to avoid duplicate content.
So there were some quick links that you can easily get.
They’re all 100% free and will help you rank in Google.
Author Profile

- I'm an SEO Consultant and expert in SEO. I help businesses rank their pages in Google, bringing them new leads, customers and ultimately, I help grow businesses with ClickDo Ltd, one of the most highly rated marketing agencies in London. I'm notoriously known as the SEO who squishes the competition when paired with a business owner who's serious about his SEO because I build some of the most high authority backlinks a person can get their hands on. I also like adding some heat in the Google results pages by having a robust Google Adwords campaign running.
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