What to do when Rank Shuffle due to Google Algorithm Update?

By Logesh Kumar
Google is one of the biggest and widely used Search Engine globally. They work hard to maintain the quality of search results and will definitely penalise any site that do not follow their guidelines. Further, if you have got hit (or) if you are facing any issues with respect to a huge rank drop, you should definitely read this article and take action based on the below recommendations.
Understanding the most recent update!
The first step is to understand why Google has destroyed the ranks. More often, the updates will be focused on Quality of the website and its content. One other factor for your website being hit might be due to a Manual review. Let’s break them down one by one.
Your Backlink Profile Makes a Lot of Sense:
Its no joke that Backlinks are the most powerful means to push the site to Page 1. On the other hand, if you push harder by building tons of link to the website with strong anchor text profile, you are messing up with Google AI (Artificial Intelligence). This in turn will destroy your ranks in real time. According to our recent findings, we identified that the backlinks from Indexed sites work in real time. There is a rank shuffle which is directly proportional to the rank changes. Hence, Google is volatile with respect to SERP these days.
So, the solution is to identify and disavow toxic backlinks through the Google Search Console.
Content Duplication within the website is Dangerous!
You might not be doing this mistake consciously, but your website might get hit if you have not taken this small change in your CMS. Let’s assume you have a blog section in your website and you have a variety of articles under a particular category.
Category: Digital Marketing
Number of Articles: 20 to 30
If this is the case, you should properly place “Canonical” tags and “no-index” for Category archives as they generate several pages in the site with patterns /page/1/ and /page/2/ – This continues!
Hence, making the category pages recognisable (or) no-index is a very good idea to make sure you escape the content duplication within the website. One of the other biggest mistake people do is to copy and paste “Brand Informative” content into all the pages and it results in bringing a negative signal on to your website.
Internal Linking should be meaningful
Having a meaningful internal linking structure makes a huge difference with respect to a website’s overall ranking. One of the classic example is Wikipedia. If you do a deep study in their internal linking structure, they have done the links in the most meaningful way.
Having meaningful links that relate to relevant articles will improve the overall domains authority and content relevancy for the niche. If you have a website thats penalised by Google’s latest algorithm updates, do get in touch with us to recover your site back on SERPs!
Author Profile

- Logesh Kumar, Senior SEO Consultant at ClickDo Ltd. Get connected on Google+.
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