SEO Myths to Leave Behind in 2018 (Myths Busted)

By Zukais
So SEO has been around for a while now.
And as time has gone on its collected a lot of myths that people believe in.
People thinking strategies from the 2,000 era work today.
These people need to get with times and understand SEO is evolving at an incredible pace.
Some people are pulling their hair out because they keep getting fed irrelevant data.
In this post, I will debunk 3 common SEO myths that you probably believe.
If you want to get good at SEO you need to leave these myths behind.
Let’s dive straight into this one…
More Backlinks mean higher rankings
There is some truth to this.
Backlinks are a gigantic ranking factor.
If your post is not optimized for the search engines…
…it doesn’t matter how many links you build, you won’t rank.
You can have the greatest SEO links known to mankind but they don’t mean a thing if your on-page SEO is not on point.
In order to effectively maximize the power of your backlinks…
make sure your on-page SEO is optimized first before any backlinking.
Backlinks are great but they aren’t everything… Google looks at many more metrics.
Rankings equal sales
This is one of the biggest SEO myths of all time, and…
…I believe it will carry on to be the biggest SEO myths as time goes on.
You see, if you want to make sales, you need to learn how to sell.
Sure, you’ll make some sales if you rank regardless how bad your selling is if you have the right keyword.
You’re going to find it hard to really scale your income if you don’t know how to sell.
{Make sure you check out the SEO Blueprint if you want to know how to sell.}
More content means higher rankings
I’m one of the biggest victims of this myth.
You see, I thought the more posts I published, the higher rankings I would get.
The problem was, I was publishing a ton a low word count posts.
The content was thin and linear…
…Google does not like thin and linear content. They want big, meaty posts.
And when I published content, I didn’t think about promoting it.
All I did after I published a post was…
I just let it sit there.
What I should have done was…
- Email the post to blogs in my niche
- Built links to it
- Shared on social media and other content promotion stuff
Make sure you’re content is big and meaty, not 300 word posts.
After you’ve published a piece of content, promote it.
Publishing a piece of content is only 5% of the battle…
the other 95% is the promotion phase.
So these were the 3 most common SEO myths busted.
You should leave behind these SEO myths and do the SEO the right way.
So how exactly do you know if you’re doing SEO right?
Well, I actually cover that in the SEO Blueprint.
Author Profile

- I'm an SEO Consultant and expert in SEO. I help businesses rank their pages in Google, bringing them new leads, customers and ultimately, I help grow businesses with ClickDo Ltd, one of the most highly rated marketing agencies in London. I'm notoriously known as the SEO who squishes the competition when paired with a business owner who's serious about his SEO because I build some of the most high authority backlinks a person can get their hands on. I also like adding some heat in the Google results pages by having a robust Google Adwords campaign running.
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