The SEO Techniques That Most Experts Won’t Tell You About

By Fernando BiZ
In this day and age of SEO is very turbulent and is very secretive. Oh, I remember well weathered SEO gurus telling me of the golden age of SEO, and how Search Engine Optimization or digital marketing use to be a gold mine for anyone getting into the industry these guys where not content marketers. Even back then they were secretive of how SEO works but we had a shepherd the all mighty Matt from google.
Matt told us the guide lines for SEO and directly from google which was a god send for the average SEO come google update time. Matt as it would be the inevitable left and left flocks of SEOs spinning. Sure a few rose to the challenge and started doing testing and discovering the knowledge themselves this is the knowledge I will share with you guys today. To be completely honest I will a lot out and will not share all my secrets cause as all good gold miners we never reveal our golden vines. But I will however share this beginners guide to SEO and the absolute must and latest seo techniques to get you guys in the Google searches.
But before I get started I want to go through a quick history of Search Engine Optimization, when SEO or SEM first entered the profitable market all you had to do was write the keyword you wished to rank for more times than the competition. Which you can imagine, lead to a lot of abuse of search engines so started googles algorithms. And surely year after year the results have gotten better and the internet in general has gotten a whole lot safer and quality filled thanks to SEO’s following googles guidelines. But unfortunately like with any system exportations started to appear, and money hungry SEOs took advantage some knowing full well there would be consequences for spam.
So, let’s get started what has changed in SEO 2018? Or better yet how-to SEO, what are the best practices to get your website on search results as easily and quickly as possible. For starters let’s do a list and elaborate on each of the list items because there is simply too much. I won’t even have time to mention the very first steps of Search Engine Optimization which is good quality keyword research for all long tail keywords to transactional keywords otherwise how else you going to know under what terms your clients are looking for you under and start optimizing for keywords. So, this is just a quick check list a review of website SEO.
- Technical SEO
- Mobile responsive
- Security Sockets Layer or SSL
- URL Structure
- <h1> tags and meta
- Schema Markup
- Loading time or Page speed
- Accessibility
- On Page SEO
- Site Structure
- Internal links
- Content optimization
- Supporting Content
- Off Page SEO
- Brand Building
- Guest Post or Link Building
- Relevancy building
Let’s start with Technical SEO, the latest ranking factors for getting your site in tip top performance is getting a SSL certificate, making sure your site is mobile responsive since mobile searching will soon overtake or might of already desktop searchers. This is a must and has become common practice. URL structure is something most people know about but what’s not widely known yet is that EMD or exact match domains have become to harder to rank compared to branded domains (hot seo tip!). H1 and meta is always a much sure you can rank without them but why have anything going against you. Schema markup is fairly new and I recommend it 100% it basically just tells the search engine google searches what your page is all about. It helps ranking a lot especially since not a lot of SEOs have caught on. Accessibility is a given that all sites should have the internet is for everyone. Page speed is also a must to follow general guide lines nothing over 3s and if you’re looking to rank internationally a CDN or content delivery network is a must. I won’t even mention AMP Accelerated Mobile Pages if your using this you’re a head of the game and I bid you good day sir!
Now let’s move on to On Page, site structure has become very important, always make sure you have an easily navigable site with lots of supporting blogs posts. This shouldn’t be a SEO rule but since yall are lazy to write a decent amount of information on their professions we SEOs are left to pick up the pieces. If you’re looking to rank for a competitive keyword the more quality content the better this is a great marketing strategy too. Naturally you want whoever visits your site to be intrigued and interested. You want them to be able to find all the information they are looking for in regards to that topic on your site, ergo giving you a low bounce rate and keeping visitors on your site for even longer! Which is also a ranking technique same as social media (social media likes, comments, shares, link clicks ect).
Finally, we look at the Off-Page SEO, the lucky last or gloomy bottom, links have a history of being manipulators and we have now seen google not give a rats behind about link juice citation flow or any other made up metric in regards to links. Google is just looking for a good quality site with a few relative links. Now I’m not say no links are needed but you’re not going to get the boosts we saw previously with any site being able to rank for anything with the right amount of links. These days are gone PBNs are still in the grey but poor quality PBNs are going to get you disavowed just get, quality backlinks and devise solid link building strategies. All I can say is don’t build your own PBNs just buy them. Its basically the same thing as paying for a guest post being published, in googles eyes that is which is the main thing. Since Off-Page let alone the other two components is a whole article in its self I won’t go too much deeper.
All these things are doable and don’t require much more effort than setting up your website in the first place. You’ll need content either way why not take the time to write it yourself, that way you can proudly stand behind your website and its information. It also makes a huge difference on the visitors they can see that someone has taken the effort to enhance their online experience. And if possible connect your domain to the search console.
In conclusion what have we learned? That SEO is ever evolvFmaing game that basically just needs sites to keep bringing their A game in regards to content writers, web developers, owners and SEOs. Honestly if you can get all these things done on your site and can get the afro mentioned people working in harmony and at their A game the sky’s the limit. Literally anything is possible, because at the end of the day SEO or SEM is not about gaming the system but being the best in the system and brining a quality internet experience to everyone using the world wide web.
Just a short biography my name is John Bucalo, I am from Adelaide, Australia. I have travelled well around the world and so far have lived in three different county’s and two continents I love SEO and take pride in my work as a SEO Expert and SEO consultant at Nickey Pickorita SEO. We have also started talks to expand the ClickDo brand name to my home turf of Australia.
Author Profile

- The Founder & CEO of ClickDo Ltd. Writes about digital marketing and SEO for local businesses in International corporation. You can read more on OM HQ blog for more of my writings.
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