Why I Chose Social Media Marketing

By Safa Ahmed
For me, an internship is a fantastic opportunity to learn valuable knowledge and gain guidance from a team of experts in the field in which you want to be in. You also get the chance to provide your help and contribution to a company, and for me in this case it’s ClickDo.
To me social media marketing was a no brainer choice for me as I knew a lot of people, even companies that don’t quite understand what this role actually is or even means. The idea is to acquire markets via the wonders of social media and the internet. Quite a lot of backstage work goes into a social media marketing role and it’s really quite interesting!
Why Social Media Over Other Roles?
• Social media and digital marketing is the future
• Social media is not a job that will ever go out of fashion!
• It’s fun! You have a chance to be creative as well as learn
• Your helping a brand grow behind the scenes
I was always interested in social media and how it can be used to attract people on a local and global scale. I really enjoyed playing about and learning about it and found it fascinating how to actually do it for other people and brands. When I discovered that Google and other big well known websites work in similar ways, I realised this was the career for me.
I am really looking forward to leaning all about the ins and outs of digital media and social media marketing.
What is Social Media To Me?
The way I view it, a company delivering social media marketing doesn’t just work or investigate, they have the skill to alter user preferences. The ability to affect want, or to make them not want a product or service at all.
At the end of the day, a person’s view is easily shaped by the want of being the popular/ favourable on social media. As one of the well known facts surrounding social media and an online presence is that what the mass public posts, let’s face it, a person is better of agreeing or facing large public opposing opinions.
Social media means that marketing can be done in subdued, subtle ways and allows us to really understand a user’s thought process. If all of the above interested you as much as I’m interested me, then you will understand why I chose and enjoy social media marketing!
Author Profile

- I'm currently a social media intern at ClickDo and having lots of fun as well as learning new skills everyday, sharing these with you by making cool videos or informative blogs 🙂
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