Difference between Boost Post and Facebook Ads

By Aslam Saah
The impact of Facebook – the marketing platform is giving great impact than its usual tag as social media. This marketing platform is making an evolution of the building a strategy around a website to promote. Facebook easy use to interface and its ability to reach the customers by expanding to a wide range of local audience. Now, the advertisers or the clients who expect to do Facebook marketing are having a misunderstanding on the difference between boost post and facebook advertising.
What is the boost post and why it is used?
The boost post is a simple and wide know option for people who are maintaining pages for business, entertainment, media, etc., The purpose of the boost post is to build the branding. These boost post will only appear on Facebook news feeds of both mobile and desktop. The target audience can be friends and friends of friends to reach the like-minded audience. As per the Facebook EdgeRank algorithm, it restricts the number of audience reach, where you can only able to reach the audience who like your post and their like-minded friends with the boosted post. The ultimate use of boosted post is to generate traffic through the post which is published on the particular page.
What is the Facebook Ads and why it is used?
Here, comes the master of all platforms in terms of understanding the system functionalities. Facebook has introduced the business Facebook marketing platform some time ago with basic features and metrics. The team of Facebook advertising is working month after month to enhance its usage, new features and neglecting some metrics as well after testing. The biggest difference between Facebook ads and boost post is the placement of ads. As already said, the boost post can appear only on Facebook and Instagram news feed, whereas Facebook ads give the liberty to place its ads across areas like Facebook and Instagram news feeds and stories, Instant Articles, In-stream videos, Right column, Suggested videos, Audience Network – Marketplace, Native, Banner and Interstitial, Messenger – Inbox and Sponsored Messages.
The objective can be wide as well,
- Awareness
- Brand Awareness
- Reach
- Consideration
- Traffic
- Engagement
- App Installs
- Video Views
- Lead Generation
- Messages
- Conversion
- Conversions
- Catalogue Sales
- Store Visits
Here, in the Advertising platform, based on the motive of your marketing strategy, you can set up the campaign. For instance, if your objective is lead generation, then set a lead generation campaign with the desired audience and collected the required details from the contact form. In addition to this, you can also set up remarketing campaigns with the help of Facebook pixel setup along with your website. Check this, tailored facebook remarketing course or get assistance from our consultants.
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- Guest blogger and blogger outreach services expert and contributor for UK Tech Blog as a UK Tech Blogger, and one among The Vibrant #1 SEO Team in London. I Also work at SeekaHost as a web hosting services specialist and Guest blogger for SeekaHost UK
My Moto is Keep Pushing - Let The Dam Breaks And Spills Where You Want It To Be!
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