What is the Best Web Hosting Provider in the UK

Want to know what is the best web hosting provider in the UK?
Whether you’re looking for the cheap web hosting for a small to medium-sized enterprise, a global enterprise or a localised business, having a reliable and highly effective website is paramount.
There are many hosting services provider and it could be confusing to find the best web hosting for small business.
More consumers are choosing to shop or find services online than ever before. This means businesses should consider having “a piece of real estate on the internet.’’ For you to acquire this piece of real estate on the internet, you must pay to have it hosted.
The bigger the website, the more you’ll have to pay. At the most fundamental level, web hosting offers a plot for people to build websites on.
Long gone are the days when you only had to consider bandwidth and disk storage. Today, you have to adopt a comprehensive analysis of the service provider and the perks available to accommodate your needs for an appropriate web hosting service. So, with this in mind, how will you decide on the right web hosting service? Here are some considerations you should make:
- Price: This is usually the first aspect most of us look at when choosing a hosting provider. Just remember, you get what you pay for. Avoid jumping on the cheapest offer. Ordinarily, the web hosting industry offers attractive offers during sign-up on your first payment. However, the renewal charges may triple. Take a closer look at the features that each host provides then compare prices and make a decision based on your needs.
- Tech Space/Ability to Add Domains: Before signing up with a particular service provider, consider their different packages. This is due to the need for diversification in future. You will soon realize the need for multiple domains and subdomains in order to popularize your site. A cheap hosting plan won’t have the processing power and disk space to serve all these needs, so you’ll spend more time dealing with downtime or load issues. If you’re looking to host e-commerce, a blog or videos, then you shouldn’t go with the cheapest package you can find.
- Client Reviews: You’ll have to get a little creative on this one. Do a Google Blog search on a particular hosting company. Look them up on social media. What are customers saying about them? Are they easy to contact for support? What’s the average time they take to respond? Try to choose a host that offers live support to their clients 24/7. Most importantly give priority to companies with in-house customer support department.
- Availability of Site Backups: With the current wave of cyber threats, it is paramount to invest in processes and security tools that keep data secure. So, when you’re choosing your web host, have a look at the different security features that are on offer. This is especially important when you’re using your website for e-commerce and are taking online payments.
- Hardware: You may have to do a bit of research on this one. You should find out, what kind of machines your host company uses, are they top-of-the-line or out-of-the-box new machines? Or are they cobbled together from what maybe spare parts? This is vital since hardware can affect the performance of both their servers and your site.
- Server Reliability and Uptime Scores: Weak servers and unstable network connections can push your site offline. This will deny you possible viewership or even sales for your e-commerce store. This will, in turn, lead to low rankings on search engines like Google and Yahoo. Banking on a good hosting company with reputable uptime scores, preferably 99.5%, is key to your site’s success.
So, equipped with all this information, you should consider choosing to host in the UK. There are many benefits such as:
- Better Performance: If your business operates in the UK, then it is a no-brainer that you should ensure that your server is in the UK too. This is because internet traffic must travel to and from your hosted platform and local hosting. This means that it should have a shorter distance to travel, hence significantly improving the performance of your applications.
- Data Sovereignty: You must abide by the laws in the country where your server is located, therefore choosing a UK hosting provider can be advantageous due to the high levels of data security, advanced IT infrastructure and a stable government.
- Ease of communication: Trying to get in touch with an overseas hosting company can sometimes be hectic, hence having them in the same country can be a relief. This will mean instant availability in case of technical issues or a crisis for an efficient solution.
- Search Engine Rankings: Having a server based in the UK will ensure you rank well on search engines such as Google and Yahoo.
- Safe Climate: Hosting in the UK is advisable when it comes to facing the risks of a natural disaster. Whilst some oversees hosting providers need to accommodate for hurricanes, tsunamis and earthquakes, the worst your equipment might face in the UK is a bit of rain.
With consideration to all this, the best hosting service provider in the UK is SeekaHost. Its main focus is on delivering their hosting promises and in building strong relationships with their customers. It provides the best web hosting services to power your website on the internet. The types of hosting packages SeekaHost provides are:
- Personal Web Hosting: For the ones who want to start businesses on their own, SeekaHost provides personal web hosting packages. It is good to start with the basic then upgrade later on.
- Virtual Private Server: This is more like a shared web hosting but with a visualisation technology to provide you with dedicated resources on the shared server. It shares a single physical server where it is the stepping stone between shared hosting and getting your own dedicated machine. The dedicated servers make it more secure and stable for mid-range traffic therefore you get all the services like a site running on a dedicated server with a lower cost. Some websites are better off with VPS from the start even though most prefer to start with a shared web hosting then upgrading to VPS after traffic growth. The only catch with VPS is that you need a little technical know-how to operate. Well, you can always learn with time.
- Dedicated Web Server: This is when your website comes with its server. It is quite pricey since it offers reliable power and flexibility. You should then be sure that you need all that power before going for it. Dedicated servers offer exceptional performance that makes it great for high traffic websites, unlike shared web hostings that limit your configurations and usage. Cost aside, it allows you to handle massive traffic without any lags. It can handle up to 30 times an increase in your daily traffic. It also comes with guaranteed security and faster page loading. They will be costly but effective in handling multiple websites based on the need for resources for the website.
- Managed WordPress Hosting: Looking for a secure, efficient and reliable WordPress site? Then you need a managed WordPress hosting. This comes with several features that allow both automatic and manual backups. Most web hosting service providers have to provide exceptional customer service due to the popularity of WordPress. The hosting offers easy site set up and reliable staging performance. It also provides fine-tuned and easy to use dashboards, better caches and assured security. However, it might not be compatible with some plug-ins and may cost a little more to get the web hosting facilities. You should consider taking up the Managed WordPress Hosting if you run a high traffic website and are looking to take advantage of the benefits.
- Shared Web Hosting: In this type of hosting, the costs will be lower and cheaper than any other hosting type. More than one website will be hosted on a single server hence the resources will be shared among the websites. This means that the server price will be shared by the domain administrators. This is one of the most popular web hosting for beginners. In most cases, the websites do not know about the other sites. One key benefit of this web hosting is the price tag. It is quite affordable and comes with several package prices for ease of upgrading on a need basis. It also features a pre-installed control panel for ease of managing your website hence requiring less technical maintenance routine.
- Reseller Web Hosting: This is also one of the shared hostings but here the user will be provided with a greater technical control such as Web Hosting Manager Control panel. It is excellent for anyone with a low budget yet need high-end sites. It involves sharing your allotted space and bandwidth with other sites on behalf of the service provider. However, there is the risk of extensive damage in case of any hosting issues.
Whether you are a start-up or an established business in the United Kingdom market, your website is the first link to your customers.
You should consider SeekaHost as your hosting provider since it will help you create and optimize your website to capture the expectations of your customers to satisfy both your needs and yours.
Author Profile

- Enjoying My Work as a Technical Support Manager at SeekaHost. I can handle any Issues with a website like solving the errors, recovering the sites from attacks & malware. Also, I have practical experience in handling WHM, WHMCS, Servers & Other relates Stuffs.