Importance of business reviews for SEO success and local ranks in 2017

By Logesh Kumar
Does business reviews matter in 2017?
If you are looking for a product or service, especially when it’s expensive — Buyers look forward for promising reviews (or) promotions that would convince them to buy the product / opt-in for the service.
Let’s see how this happens in the digital world where SEO leads the Digital show on Big G!
Big G focuses on Rich Snippet Reviews that showcase to customers right when they search for a service (example: seo consultant london). Below is how it appears for ClickDo:
Further, it induces the users to click on the result, hence — More CTR! When the CTR is high for a particular Keyword, this helps in improving the ranking of other pages in the same domain as well.
The Killer: Google+ Reviews
Getting reviews on Google+ is a tricky part but it pays off! It gives an authentic feel for the brand it creates history over a period of time. It requires team strength and good client communication to showcase this to premium customers who search you by your brand name!
How to get Reviews?
Get reviews from your Business customers through various techniques listed below:
- Share your Facebook page URL with /reviews at the end to direct them directly to your FB Page and get a review done.
- Do an email feedback campaign and included review as a part of the campaign.
- The easiest way is to request the customer to Google search your brand name and click on “Write a Review”. Note: the user must be signed in to Google+ to post a review.
How it helps?
When you have more reviews for the business, the possibility for ranking on Maps are high and it gains more clicks and brand attention. It also gains you positive credits to rank for more related keywords in your business industry.
It is also a factor that’s responsible for picking up the website fast in Google Index for new content that’s getting published!
How to get the reviews done for your Brand?
We at ClickDo are experts in branding and social media promotion. Get in touch with us for professional Branding services!
Author Profile

- Logesh Kumar, Senior SEO Consultant at ClickDo Ltd. Get connected on Google+.
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