Facebook Local App – Relaunched by Facebook

By Logesh Kumar
Facebook, one of the largest and most active social media platform on the planet so far! Facebook often releases updates to it’s newsfeed which makes the users engaged towards the social media giant. More commonly these updates also focus on understanding user behaviours on the system and to monitize them based on their activities and engagement.
Facebook’s New Standalone Events App! – Rebranded as Facebook Local
Facebook has recently relaunched the app, termed as Facebook Standalone Events App (or) Facebook Local! Facebook allows users on both Mobile and Desktop to access this feature. Using this app, you can easlily navigate through the places, events around you in your City. You can also engage with that event by “Going” or “Interested” options available in the App that are linked to places.
Most unique feature of this app is that it creates a news feed exclusively for places around you in your city and it will highlight your friends who are engaging with specific places. This application has a powerful search engine to search for places in your city and take advantage with details about your friends who are engaging with the places.
You can discover the local restaurants, bars and the other local businesses near you. You can see reviews from your friends getting listed on top and you will also be able to get connected (or) identify your friends who are currently in that place.
On the other hand, most of the information thats available on the standalone app is already integrated with the facebook app. Hence, there are greater chances of this app being upgraded over time with tons of new features to justify that it should standalone!
If you would like to market your product / service through Facebook (or) Google, you should stay up-to-date with respect to the latest updates from these platforms, which turn out to be a Game changer over a period of time!
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Author Profile

- Logesh Kumar, Senior SEO Consultant at ClickDo Ltd. Get connected on Google+.
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