How local business directory submission helps SEO and boost website ranks?

SEO is getting harder and harder in 2019 and many business owners ask me how to boost their SEO and what techniques work well when it comes to local SEO. So in this article, I will explain how local business directory submission helps SEO and boost website ranks?
First, you can read what is a local business directory and know all about business directories.
I believe you read that guide and also now know what are the top free directories to submit your business details as a part of the SEO services. Local business directories well established on the search engines and most of them get millions of visitors each month. So by listing on those directories you business websites get traffic pass on it, and when those pages are indexed on Google you can more brand content mentions on the top search engine.
Directory listing should be done right to get the SEO advantages and ideally, NAP details plus the media must be added. You can see some of the examples where we’ve submitted the UK business blog which ranks for keywords like “uk business blog” , “uk business blogs” , “business advice blogs uk” and many more.
If you want to see the list of over 100 plus listings, you can email to Dinesh or check the UK business blog page.
Those directroy listings have greatly helped our SEO boost for the UK business blog.
That’s just one example. If you read the SEO case studies that I have mentioned below:
- Mobile Car Wash Business Google SEO (Ranking on the first page for money lead gen terms)
- Payroll Outsourcing Services Company SEO
You can see directory listing AKA citations building services is a crucial part of our SEO strategy. At ClickDo our SEO consultants basically start the off side SEO services with directory listings. You can learn more about it on the online SEO training course.
When it comes to Google SEO, the directory submissions should be done in steps I’ve mentioned below:
- List the NAP details plus the domain name with the business description.
- Add media rich content to give the business details. See how ClickDo is listed on business directory.
- Get reviews on your listing page. See how ClickDo is listed on Trustpilot and that’s giving the trust signals to Google to pick up ClickDo services.
If you are a local business website owner or doing SEO for local business websites, I advise you list on and TrustPilot ASAP. Those platforms show up for the brand name so make sure to get good reviews on each to get the best SEO advantages as well as sales.
For London based businesses we do recommend London business directory submission in a creative way.
This is how you have to do it to get more than business directory listing SEO power.
Go to the London business directory networking events, and meet and connect with our local business owners, and then develop a good relationship with as many as possible.
And tell them that you would like to post a guest posting blog on their blog with an amazing blog and in return link to your website.
This is one of the best ways to get the SEO improvements from creative linkk building.
That’s how you use local business directories to get the best for your online SEO boost!
There are many city based directories to help your business and if you are London based local business like ClickDo, advertising online on London Business Directory will give you a good boost.
As they have mentioned over 550 business owners are there, how about if you can get to know each and get at least 100 backlinks to your website from them with guest posting services.
If you do not have time for that, let us help with our guest blogging services in the UK.
Author Profile

- I'm the CEO of ClickDo Ltd. and SeekaHost UK - I help the business grow online with latest SEO services & digital marketing strategies. You can find my guest blogs on the UK business Blog as well as on our my guest blogs on the UK Tech Blog
. More details about me can be found on this page.
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