How to make your Backlink Profile look more natural?

When it comes to SEO, there are two important categories to deal with, one is On-Page SEO and the other is Off-Page SEO. Even though there are many updates rolled by Google more frequently, there are some core SEO factors which remains the same.
Backlinks are the important thing you should take care of when it comes to Off-Page SEO. You should build links to your website in a way which looks more natural from the point of Google.
Here let’s see some tips to make your backlink profile look more natural,
Don’t build a bunch of links from the same site, Though there are many backlinks to your website, but from the same website is not fine. Google considers the quality of the backlinks than the quantity.
Keep your strategy more simple, plan to build links from the variety of sites based on your niche. You may wonder on how to build a variety of links from the same site. Guest Posts is the only solution to build quality links for your website.
Use Google to find the top ranking sites that are relevant to your niche, Email to the site owners requesting for the guest posts. Many may ignore but few may accept, keep your mail quite simple and communicate in a polite way.
Use Facebook groups to get the paid guest posts based on your niche. Links from the high authority sites with the SEO friendly anchors will help you to rank on top of the Google SERP very easily.
Give more importance to the domain age than the domain authority of the website. Links from the relevant niches and from the variety of websites will make your backlink profile more powerful.
Backlinks are the support for top ranks and help a business website get more qualified traffic.
Backlinks also help a website get buyer traffic from the websites that you’ve gained the links from.
At ClickDo we specialize in authentic links building techniques. We do encourage email outreach and guest posting other niche relevant blogs to get backlinks.
Getting branded anchors and naked URL backlinks are the safest when it comes to gaining backlinks. If the on-page SEO is done perfectly Google know what your website is about. So what you must do is increase the authority of the website with traffic that and link juice that comes with the backlinks.
If you need quality link building services or guest post to publish the blogs relevant to your niche. Mail us to
Author Profile

- I'm an SEO Analyst and blogger outreach expert at ClickDo Ltd. & Expert at Building High Authority Local Citations, Also, I help Business Owners in the UK by flooding more Leads to their Business by ranking their website on top of Google for potential Keywords.
I'm an author and enjoys writing UK business blogs to help promote UK businesses online. You can also contact me for guest posting services as I manage over 100 top UK business websites.