Google’s Mobile Search & New Refinement Buttons

By Logesh Kumar
Websites may look longer and beautiful in PCs. But, most of the search happens through smartphones. Whatever the information the user may require, he prefers the usage of smartphones! It was before a decade that a user has to use a Big Computer to search for information (or) to make a purchase! This mobile search saves people tonnes of time. As smartphones are readily available + make the job easier, every individual uses mobile search. As per the recent survey, Mobile users has been increased to 75% while comparing with desktop users. In near future, it is expected to reach by 90%.
Already Google has announced that Mobile-friendly Website is an important factor for improving your SEO Ranks. Now Google announced it’s advanced mobile search interface and new search refinement buttons are in testing.
About Mobile New Search:
The Speciality of new search interface is that it presents fewer search results on the Mobile search, along with the new options button named “more results”. Also, Google is testing buttons to refine your search quickly in the search results.
In addition, Google is in a constant experiment with the new mobile search feature to deliver users the best experience.
About More Search button:
When users search for some information on Mobile, Google only shows two to three organic results. If a user needs more search results, they have to click on the more results button. When more results button clicked, then Google dynamically loads larger search results.
As people change their search to smartphones, Google is consistently working on making mobile search easy and better. All these features are in testing phase and currently we do not have information on which this will be launched. We may expect this in 2018!
Author Profile

- Logesh Kumar, Senior SEO Consultant at ClickDo Ltd. Get connected on Google+.
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