Protect Your PPC Websites From New Hackers!

By Logesh Kumar
PPC Clicks not converting? Check your website now!
This is one of the rare scenario that I had faced with one of my PPC Cients. They were getting quality clicks and enough leads to run their business with 10 Staffs and a warehouse in London. Client was very happy and their business was running smooth.
Symptoms !
Gradually, Client started complaining that the number of enquiries were falling and we started debugging the website for any kind on conversion issues. Everything was perfect and it was the best converting website we have ever built at ClickDo. It used to pump at minimum 10 to 15 leads every single day (on Week days). We had tight security from WordFence and All backup systems were functional and live.
Things suddenly changed one day.
Yes, on one fine Monday — I received a call from Big G stating that the Ads were stopped due to a malware issue on the website. We were completely stuck! I scanned the website with a lot of popular Security plugins, online tools and everything failed.
All information I had was — There is a malware on your website. When people click from Ads, they were taken to some nasty websites — In Random.
Later, I called Google support and tried my best to gain access to the tool that they use to identify these infections. They denied access and said it’s for their internal use only.
After researching for almost 1 full day, I found an encrypted script inserted into the website and Zakir helped me in identifying the same and patched it. We applied for Review. It was reported “Malware infected” still!
When we did the search from scratch again, we found the same code in the same place again! That was shocking. We did everything from changing cPanel Access, removing FTP Accounts, initialising security systems, leterally everything we can do!
The Black Sheep!
After spending hours on this work, we found something wrong in Installed Plugins section of WordPress. When we refresh the page, we see new plugins every time and it disappears once the page fully loads. Technically, there were hidden plugins.
It was a new way of infecting your website and driving the PPC Traffic away! Be aware and make sure the clicks land on your website.
Need Help / Audit?
Get in touch with us to have your website fully checked and secured.
Author Profile

- Logesh Kumar, Senior SEO Consultant at ClickDo Ltd. Get connected on Google+.
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