The BEST Way to Reduce the Bounce Rate Ever!

By Aslam Saah
The Bounce rate of a website is still an unrevealed topic to sort out in search engine optimization. This factor may look simple, but it requires a lot of other factors to be fixed.
“The percentage of single-page visits (i.e., visits in which the person left your site from the entrance page).”
– Google defines Bounce Rate
The first and foremost thing to understand is that higher bounce rate indicates the poor performance of a website, so reducing it to the maximum will helps in a good cause.
Here, We have listed the Very Most Important Factors to be considered for reducing the bounce of a website.
Keyword Relevancy of the Landing Page:
Be wise in choosing a keyword for a landing page. When you’re ranking high on google search results, but if the content inside the URL is completely contrasted to target keyword, then there is no point for all the efforts you put in to rank a website. Users never encourage misleading content.
Interactive Design:
Design a website in a way that, a visitor can engage for a very long time. Insert catchy images, video content, transitions, game at a side as a widget and any other possible creative way. Remember that in the name of creativity you should not get away from easy user experience inside the website.
Bring the Most Out Of Mobile:
In 2018, traffic through the mobile device has been increased from 50.3% to 52.2%, which will improve even further in the forthcoming years. By considering these stats, one must understand the importance of a website user-friendliness. Design your website dynamically that suits to different resolution of devices, so the users will feel the responsiveness.
Website Loading Time:
If a user enters into the website only to wait for it to load for a long time, without delivering the content in the appropriate way gives a poor impact on website visitors. As already said, more than other devices loading time of a website is even more important in mobile.
Navigation of a website will give an easy-to-use effectiveness for the users. Build a proper menu structure and try to implement breadcrumbs for your website, so a user can switch between the parent page and its hierarchy easily.
Ads and Pop Up:
Try to avoid too much of pop-ups from your website, which really frustrates anyone and leaves a negative impact. At the same time, having ads along the content is no wrong, but it should distract the readers. Image ads are considerably better than text link ads.
Regarding links, we must fix the followings.
- Proper Internal Linking with relevant anchor text
- Avoiding Broken Links
- Fix the pages with 404 errors or redirect it to the appropriate page
- Ensure that links are opening on new tabs, as helps to reduce the bounce rate.
All these steps listed factors are simple to be fixed on a single, so never neglect and lead your website to the highest bounce rate.
Author Profile

- Guest blogger and blogger outreach services expert and contributor for UK Tech Blog as a UK Tech Blogger, and one among The Vibrant #1 SEO Team in London. I Also work at SeekaHost as a web hosting services specialist and Guest blogger for SeekaHost UK
My Moto is Keep Pushing - Let The Dam Breaks And Spills Where You Want It To Be!
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