How to Sell Your Product with Vibrant Traffic from Ads!

By Logesh Kumar
Selling product online is not a difficult task if you are capable of driving quality traffic from different channels.
One such Quality channel is Google PPC!
Pay Per Click Ads work elite when we target the audience with proper keywords and CTA on Ads. This is done in two ways, namely “Google AdWords Express” and “Google AdWords”. AdWords Express requires no technical knowledge or understanding about the system. Just complete a easy setup and yours ads will be live in no time! This is effective if you choose a wider audience on a well populated location who is in need of your product / service. With that being said, the people should also be aware about the product / service so they search for it on Google!
On the other hand, Google AdWords is a Quite advanced tool that has more customisations and targeting options. One of our favourite option is the ability to re-target audience and split them based on demographics. If you have a Re-Marketing list ready, you can start showing ads to the audience who has engaged with your properties earlier.
Facebook Ads
While Google Ads are shown for people who are searching for a product / service, we can utilise Facebook Ads to target people based on their profile! Profiling is not a new concept, it involves the understanding of a person’s characteristics, activities and interests and utilise the data to target Ads!
This is the most effective mechanism to populate a product or service, thats brand new to the industry!
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Author Profile

- Logesh Kumar, Senior SEO Consultant at ClickDo Ltd. Get connected on Google+.
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