Why Online Marketing is More Efficient?

By Logesh Kumar
While Television and radio advertising still play a competitive role in Marketing industry, the attention has changed towards the internet to reach their customers and make the sale happen Online!
Companies that aren’t connected to the Internet (Digital Marketing & Social Media) are surely losing customers, something which no businesses expect to happen. There are many reasons why online marketing is lot better than radio and TV advertising.
Organic SEO Traffic:
An well planned SEO Strategy will promote your business website rank in the Search Engine Result Page. But, ranking does not mean that you get Tsunami of traffic! This also makes it apparent for users who are searching for service and products that your website offers. By reverse, radio and TV advertising aims the same information to exact same customers randomly, regardless of their needs.
Boosting your advertising funds to include SEO service only do good for those companies that really want to scale up their marketing ROI. Optimising your business website to catch up organic traffic from the search engines is a really good idea to start. In reality, it is completely essential to possess an SEO approach that can improve your search engine rankings and reach your potential customers!
PPC Advertising:
Another excellent benefit that online marketing offer is that you can reach your potential customer in an on-demand basis using Pay per click advertising. PPC advertising is a paid marketing strategy. PPC advertising will work for your company, considering your budget for advertising is large enough.
Based on ad quality and budget, your ad is seen by people who are seeking for your product / services using relevant keywords. Whether you are organically at the first page of Google or not, by paying for ads in Google, your business website is getting direct exposure.
Why is PPC more efficient?
One of the important reason that businesses have started spending more in their advertising budget on internet marketing service is not only because there has been a slow reduction in the effectiveness of the traditional form of achievements, but also the new medium gives better ROI.
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- Logesh Kumar, Senior SEO Consultant at ClickDo Ltd. Get connected on Google+.
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