What is Dwell Time? Does it impacts your SEO?

What is Dwell Time in SEO?
Dwell time of your website is normally composed of session duration and the bounce rate. It is the time spent by the user when they visit your web page from SERP and bounce back to SERP again.
Usually, if the user spends more time on your website, then your website will have more dwell time.
Here let’s see whether the Google uses Dwell time as one of the important ranking factors.
How does Google see the Dwell Time?
Nowadays, Google started shuffling the ranks by using the RankBrain, Google AI.
RankBrain will modify the ranks of the web pages based on user behavior.
If a user spends more time on your web page, then Google will think that there is some potential content present on your website for the particular search query.
Just opposite happens if the user bounces back to the SERP very quickly without spending some time on your webpage.
Being a business owner or the SEO Consultant, you should make the users engage more time with your website to improve your ranks on SERP.
Dwell Time Impacts Your SEO:
Dwell time is the average time spent by the user in your website when they land from the search results.
In a recent survey, it has been found that the dwell time has a direct impact on your search engine ranks.
Say if your website ranks at #6 for a keyword “on page SEO tips”
If the users who are searching for that particular term eventually will click on the #1 result.
If they found that there is no useful content in the website which ranks on #1.
Then they bounce back to the SERP and will visit any other website which ranks on the 1st page of the Google Search Results.
if they visit your website which is at #6 for that search term and if they spend more time on your website. Then your website will get some SEO Boost.
If Google receives many similar kind of actions from the users, then your site will be boosted to top rankings.
Thus having quality content in your website and keeping the users engaged will help you get good results for your website in Google search.
How to improve the Dwell TIme?
Making the users to spend more time on your website will increase the dwell time and improve the ranks on Google.
Don’t stuff the webpage with only the text content, Add some media files like infographics, video content, etc.
This will make the users to spend more time on your website. Eventually, this will increase the dwell time of your website.
Make your site mobile friendly as the more number of searches are from mobile devices than the desktop devices.
Page loading speed on mobile is also a ranking factor of Google.
Does Dwell Time Impacts Ranks?
This is a complicated query to write up a note. Because the users need not spend more time in all the websites that they are visiting.
In some websites, the users can find the information what they are looking very quickly.
Hence, ranks cant be shuffled by keeping the dwell time as one of the main factors.
Google’s RankBrain monitors the dwell time, It has a significant effect on the ranks. In the meantime, it’s not a core ranking factor.
Thus if you are a blogger or business owner, try to engage the users more time on your website by providing a great piece of content.
This will make the users visit your web page regularly and also to improve the ranks on the SERP.
Author Profile

- I'm an SEO Analyst and blogger outreach expert at ClickDo Ltd. & Expert at Building High Authority Local Citations, Also, I help Business Owners in the UK by flooding more Leads to their Business by ranking their website on top of Google for potential Keywords.
I'm an author and enjoys writing UK business blogs to help promote UK businesses online. You can also contact me for guest posting services as I manage over 100 top UK business websites.