Google Display Ads for Keyword Based Targets in UK

By Logesh Kumar
Have you ever imagined on how to outrank your competitors by spending just 1/10th of the CPC that they bid on Google SERP via AdWords? If you are serious about your business and would like to take over the market, get started with Display Ads for your business today!
Why Google Display Network?
Google has several mediums of advertisement like Search Network, Display Network and Partner sites. On top of all, the ads perform the best in SERP (Search Network) when the consumer/customer is in immediate need (example: emergency dentist in london). Basically, a user searches for a keyword in Google Search and takes immediate action as soon as he lands on the website.
Let’s take an example of a person who is looking for an “Emergency dentist in London”. This means he is in immediate need of this service. Once he performs a search on Google for this keyword, he will end up seeing a lot of websites on the google search results page. Google, is very smart! Only the paid ads will be listed on top of the page and the CPC will be very high in such case. Here, we cannot use display network as it’s an immediate need.
On the other hand, let’s assume we have a user searching for “buy property in London”. This scenario represents that the user must perform a lot of research before he actually buys a property in London. Here, display network plays a vital role. Once the user searches for such keywords, we have the ability to show him the relevant ads and make sure he clicks on the ads and land on our website. This is costing only 1/10th of the CPC to bid on Google Search Network!
Stay tuned at ClickDo blog for the upcoming tips and articles regarding Digital Marketing!
– Logesh.
Author Profile

- Logesh Kumar, Senior SEO Consultant at ClickDo Ltd. Get connected on Google+.
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